Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Liberal Logic

Forgive my use of a blatant oxymoron in the title, but I can't help but notice the teachers and their supporters protesting in Wisconsin are overwhelmingly white.

So using the same standards as MSNBC, I can only conclude that all liberals are racists.

1 comment:

Rhino-itall said...

This is absolutely true. No question about it. Also all union members are racists.(kind of the same thing right?) Also did you see any black doctors handing out notes? Clearly all doctors are racists as well.

Not to mention the fact that they attack all black people who don't agree with them (you know the ones that leave the liberal plantation) and even some that do. (juan williams and bill cosby for example)

I started out kind of joking on this comment but I've always believed libs were racists. They've always felt that black people are inferior and need the help of the government to get ahead. Or maybe they just want to keep them enslaved by keeping them dependent on government handouts. Either way it's ugly.