Sunday, February 13, 2011

Draw Your Own Conclusions

Pew poll offers insights into Egyptians
K.E. Campbell

The population of Egypt is approximately 80.5 million, 90% of which is Muslim (mostly Sunni). A poll released by Pew Research Center in December 2010 provides some interesting insights into Egyptians. The poll of Muslims only was taken in Spring 2010.

30% have a favorable view of Hezb'allah

49% have a positive view of Hamas

20% have a positive view of al Qaeda (72% have a negative view)

19% have a positive view of Osama bin Laden

48% say Islam plays a large role in their country's political life

85% consider Islamic influence over political life to be a positive thing for their country

61% see no struggle between those who want to modernize their country and Islamic fundamentalists

54% support making gender segregation in the workplace the law in their country

82% endorse the stoning of people who commit adultery

77% support whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery

84% support the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion

59% say democracy is preferable to any other kind of government

20% support suicide bombing in defense of Islam

46% say suicide bombings are never justified

61% express concern about Islamic extremism in their country


anita said...

how come you didn't provide a link to this?

Rhino-itall said...

I didn't think it was necessary. This is the whole story and I included the name of the original poster.

I think it came from American Thinker but I honestly don't remember.

Donkeyhue said...

Moderate is to Islam as Jumbo is to Shrimp.

Getlive said...

I wish you hadn't closed the post on the Obamacare situation. The bottom line is that once any federal court rules it unconstitutional, then that must be adhered to until it goes up the chain. Therefore, Obama care is illegal.

Donkeyhue said...

Well when you have a POTUS use a SOTU to scold the SCOTUS for a law he doesnt like, is it any surpise that the seperation of powers mean naught to this administration and by extension, his sheeple like Anita and Gary?

anita said...

you've got four federal opinions.

but never mind.

you told me not to, but i will. george bush overtly, OVERTLY went against the constitution of the united states numerous times. he went to war on false premises. portions of the patriot act have already been deemed patently unconstitutional, and it doesn't take much knowledge of law to figure that out.

and then the republicans go ahead and vote to extend it!

as i also stated, a PORTION of the law, i.e., THE MANDATE TO PURCHASE INSURANCE is what was found to be unconstitutional. that PORTION of the health care bill does NOT GO INTO EFFECT until 2014.

this is a totally, and far less lethal (to a freedoms, that is), issue.

anita said...

oh. and regarding those elements of the health care law that are already going into effect.

consider this: one of your tea party friends now has the peace of mind of being able keeping one of more of their kids on their health care until age 26, particularly given the difficulty for young and unexperienced people in getting jobs these days (college or no college). all of a sudden, poof, one of four federal judges makes a decision about something that isn't meant to happen in 2014. how will your tea party friends feel now that their kid, possibly a kid with a pre-existing condition, is back on the street with no health insurance.

and oh, what about people with pre-existing conditions who can no find some relative peace in the fact that they can now participate in the high-risk pools that are now being created. people who because of a pre-existing condition had no or insufficient health care. so, poof. no insurance, again. all because one of four justices decided that the entirety of a bill is unconstitution because of ONE PIECE of it (that doesn't kick in until 2014) is deemed unconstitutional.


and to reiterate. i don't believe any laws are being broken here.

you can shut down the comments now. it's obvious how you hate it when people disagree and you don't have the tools to argue back

Getlive said...

Actually the whole thing is unconstitutional because the whole law is dependent on the mandate. Who mentioned Bush? what does he have to do with Obama breaking the law?

Rhino-itall said...

getlive you have admin so you can change the post options if you wish.
I closed the post because it was a waste of time arguing with anita because she refuses to be honest.

I don't believe she's too stupid to understand how it works so she's just a liar and fraud. As I said I already knew this but she made it absolutely clear.

Finally, The Obama administration has NO regard for the constitution and they are CURRENTLY in contempt due to their continuation of an offshore drilling ban. Clearly he feels that he doesn't have to obey the law.

Donkeyhue said...

I hate to bring reality into your fantasy world, but 26 yr olds are called adults. And if you really cared so much about the "young and inexperienced" you would eliminate the minimum wage and strengthen the border. Two areas where liberalism has overtly, overtly failed those they claim to want to help.

(She cant help herself Getlive, she has no unwavering principles other than to blame Bush, its part of her sickness.)

anita said...

let me repeat myself (again):

two federal opinions state the law is entirely constitutional.

one federal opinion states that the law is constitutional EXCEPT for one portion, the mandate. remove the mandate, and it's constitutional.

one federal opinion states that the mandate is not "severalable" from the rest of the law. so the entire law is unconstitutional.

you have a lot of disagreement coming from the federal bench. which is why it is heading to the circuit courts and then to the supreme court.

that is why we have courts of appeals.

yes, 26 year olds are adults. so are 21 and 22 and 22 and 23 year olds that are in college. they are covered by their parents insurance.

you obviously aren't in touch with the job market for young adults lately. it's pretty grim.

Rhino-itall said...

Anita please stop. You're embarrasing yourself.

When gary does it I don't care but I'm actually starting to feel bad for you.

anita said...

the patriot act was ruled unconstitutional on several points. but we are still living under it.

you guys ... are all hypocrites, that's all there is to it.

if you weren't then, according to your logic, you'd be calling for the repeal of that act.

get your stories straight.

Rhino-itall said...

anita why do you persist?

lets stick to the original point and we can come back to the Bush is hitler rants later.

Do you understand the very basic point that the last opinion is the law?

If so do you know that the last opinion declared obamacare to be unconstitutional?

If you answered yes to both of those questions then you must admit that obama is breaking the law by continuing to implement his health care reform bill.

Once again I know you don't want to admit that I'm right and you're wrong but if you're an honest person you will do so. Or at least just drop it because you look more ridiculous every time you try to spin another lie.

Getlive said...

Anita, well take it one step at a time keeping in mind that at this time we are not talking about Bush or any other administration in the history of the world.

You say "two federal opinions state the law is entirely constitutional".
Ok. The thing is, is that it doesn't matter. Once one federal judge says it's unconstitutional, then the unconstitutional ruling is binding. It doesn't matter if 100 other judges say it is, the unconstitutional ruling is binding.

I'll let you respond to the first one.

anita said...

you guys are far too unsophisticated and far too idologically bent to have any further discussions with.

Rhino-itall said...

getlive just drop it. She's not going to admit that 2 plus 2 equals 4.

Donkeyhue said...

And there it is, the liberal trifecta, the secular trinity.

1. Blame Bush
2. Accuse of hypocrisy
3. Call names

gary said...

1. Ignore every fact Anita or I post.

2. Blame Obama

3. Accuse of hypocrisy

4. Call names


samw said...

If you pay for insurance you should be able to put whomever you want to pay for on your policy. Even your 26 year old son that lives in your basement. OR your live-in girlfriend.
This could be a part of health insurance reform that does not require socialized medicine.
This would require competition for customers by the insurance companies instead of the current insurance envirionment that says to the consumer "take what we give you."
Please understand, to oppose the Obama health plan is not the same thing as refusal to acknowledge the problems with current health care coverage.
The Obama plan is the wrong answer thats all. We still need reform. We need reform that won't kill the economy or lower the standard of care.