Saturday, February 05, 2011

Benedict Obama? Barack Arnold?

Did the President of the United States betray our closest ally? It certainly seems that way.

Apparently the Russians wanted info about the British nuclear arsenal and the Brits didn't want to give it to do....what to do..... Ask Obama?

I'm hoping there's some other kind of explanation besides our president is a traitor, but I can't think of one.



Donkeyhue said...

This would be an outrage, if Obama considered Britain an ally, which his words and actions show that he does not.

gary said...

"The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week."

OK, so we give them information about our missiles according to a treaty. How exactly is this treasonous?

Donkeyhue said...

You might not know this, but we have a treaty with Britain as well.

You defending this, once again illustrates how you are not to be taken seriously.

Plain and simple, at its base this was a dick move. Which is bad enough, but Obama's opionion towards the UK is the least of my concern, its that our ally and adversary both have such a low opinion of him. History will not be kind to him, nor should it be.

gary said...

I would place more value on your opinion if you had not defended the Bush administration for years, even as it nearly destroyed this great nation. I'm sure you believe that Obama is a traitor but I'm also sure you believed that even before he became President, as you clearly think all "liberals" are traitors. You are a fool.

Donkeyhue said...

And you are a muppet.

The Aurora never gave Bush a blank check and called him out when it was needed. You on the other hand, defend Obama when there is no defense. Do you think Obama is destroying this country too? Because he has implemented all of Bush's major policies. I always knew history would vindicate Bush, but I didnt expect Obama to be his biggest cheerleader.

Staying on topic, giving away Brit intel when they specifically requested we didnt is a dick move a betrayal and a rookie move.

anita said...

i thought you thought the wikileakers were traitors - yet now you are posting their stuff.

double standard it seems.

Donkeyhue said...

In all of this; the betrayal of allies, the kowtowing to adversaries, the releasing of classified info... of course you would somehow find fault with The Aurora.

Grow up, not everything is a game of gotcha.

Rhino-itall said...

Anita I don't think wikileaks is a traitor. The guy who runs it is not even a US citizen. The guy who gave him the documents is a traitor and is in jail.

With regard to this post, the story is out there. We can ignore it if we want just like the ny times will but I think it's disgusting.

Clearly this president will betray anyone for political gain, including our oldest and strongest ally. And for what? A bullshit treaty with a government that unapologetically supplies our enemies with weapons and technology to defeat us? Obama is so weak! He already backed down and fucked over the Poles on miisile defense, pussied out when the russians invaded Georgia, clammed up like a bitch when the Iranian people revolted against an enemy that repeatedly calls for our destruction, and now this.....

If I didn't know any better I would think this guy is TRYING to ruin this country and our standing in the world.

Donkeyhue said...

It's almost as if Obama has zero executive experience.

anita said...

yes, and you wouldn't have this information available to you write about if it weren't for bradley manning and julian assange.

gotcha? yes. you do the same thing.

your hypocrisy is showing, aurorans.

Rhino-itall said...

Yes Anita we are all aware of how the info got out. How exactly does this make me a hypocrite?

Should I ignore the information because I don't like the way it came out? Should I pretend that I don't have this info because a traitor stole these documents?

We can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. It's out there. Now we deal with the mess.

Rhino-itall said...

Btw Anita do u have any objection to what Obama did or do u just want to be like Gary and try to change the discussion to fit your agenda?

Donkeyhue said...

I dont think Obama is smart enough to try to ruin our standing in the world, he's doing too good of a job of it.

anita said...

i think at that level there are all kinds of betrayals going on all the time. corruption and back stabbing and double dealing are all part of politics. we just never hear about it until later when history is written. only now we have history in real time via wikileaks.

was it worth betraying our "friends" if it meant getting a nuclear arms reduction treaty? i can't answer that question. save the world and lose a friend. i don't really know. politics sucks.

sometimes you guys play the naive card and it's just too obvious to take seriously.

Donkeyhue said...

"save the world, and lose a friend"

And youre calling us naive?

Youre cute.

But did you have a point/opinion. You comment itself was all poppycock and doublespeak.

To make it simpler for you, let us rephrase the question.

How would you have felt if Bush did this?

anita said...

it wouldn't surprise me one bit if bush did this or something similar. he probably did. in fact, bush actually did worse than this. he sent this country to war based on lies and deception, i.e., false pretenses. the fall out from this has been, and will continue to be, far worse than the incident you site.

and speaking of bush, let's talk about the bush family's cozy friendship throughout the years with the saudi's and how much money the entire bush family and the carlyle group made off of those connections. the entire bush clan has betrayed america in ways, the extent to which, like i said, history is only beginning to discover.

second, and again, speaking of betrayal, what about betrayal here at home. your party's total unwillingness to cooperate with the administration is hurting people down the line. one, but not the only, example their refusal to address court appointees is causing major backlogs throughout the judicial system, making it extremely difficult if not impossible for people within the justice system to have their day in court. a constitutional right. but your party is making that more and more difficult.

second, your party's decision not to negotiate on any level with this administration is treasonous, in my opinion. the aim is to bring down this administration, the administration elected fair and square by the electorate. they want government to essentially stop (and be destroyed in the process) until they get their way. it's their way or the highway. our government was not set up that way. two parties working together on behalf of the american people. disagreements, yes, but total disregard for the rules of political engagement. that is absolutely wrong.

so, before you go looking at out of context wikileaks articles, let's look in our own back yards for actions on the part of your party against the american people as a whole.

Donkeyhue said...

Youre like my trained little monkey.

I say Bush.

You foam at the mouth.

Dance monkey dance.

anita said...

who with any sense wouldn't foam at the mouth.

you're like MY trained little monkey, i say obama. you foam at the mouth.

at least there is clear and convincing evidence of bush's incompetence.

Rhino-itall said...

anita before your foaming you said

corruption and back stabbing and double dealing are all part of politics. we just never hear about it until later when history is written.

For example?

anita said...

Tom Delay
Jack Abramoff
Carl Rove Leaking Valerie Plame

Donkeyhue said...

Anita do you believe anything you say?

Donkeyhue said...

Dance monkey dance.

Dont forget Exxon and Halliburton.

anita said...

yes i do. clearly you are unable to differentiate that exxon and halliburton, while both have exacted public outrage over the years, the reasons for that outrage are different. you can't put them both in the same pot.

halliburton is a contender to be included in this discussion of corruption and betrayal, but companies are run by people. and the person behind halliburton has historically been dick cheney. now that we have a identified a "person" we can carry on with this discussion. if you wish.

Donkeyhue said...

I think its time to take your meds.

Rhino-itall said...

couple of points anita.

1. Rove didn't leak anyone's name. If you paid attention at all you would know that.

2. Abramoff and Delay didn't betray their country or give away state state secrets. They may have done some shady things with fund raising or whatever but that's clearly not the same as betraying our closest ally and giving away their nuclear secrets.

With all of the documents that have been exposed, and all of the history that we now know, if this kind of betrayal happens all the time I would think you would be able to cite 1 example.

I personally can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Lynn Alexander said...

I don't think we hear about it when history is written, either.

And even if somebody wrote it, 99% of the people wouldn't read it anyway.

I don't like Bush and I don't like Obama and all this foaming at the mouth is why we should be against letting any of them run our lives.

Notice how we lose, no matter what?

I'm a dancing monkey, paying for the privilege.

Rhino-itall said...

Lynn you make a good point. The truth is we are all monkeys on some level, but I like to think of myself more as colonel taylor in planet of the apes. I'm stuck in this crazy world but i'm gonna fight it the whole way.

Donkeyhue said...