Friday, January 07, 2011

Stop Spending Stop Spending Stop Spending

"Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stop stops here'. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leafership. America deserves better." ~ Sen. Barack Obama


Rhino-itall said...

I must admit. This guy makes a lot of sense. I say we follow the lead of Senator Barack Obama. That's the kind of CHANGE I CAN BELIEVE IN!!!!!

anita said...
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gary said...

If only President Obama were following President Gore rather than President Bush. Following Bush is kind of like cleaning up behind the elephant.

gary said...

Anita, what you have to understand about Rhino and Donkey is that they only look at one side and then say all the evidence supports their position.

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

Are you two going to make a point? I mean, ad hominem attacks on the Rhino and I aside?

Im beginning to think youre both spambots because your responses are always the same no matter the issue and they never make sense. The good news is that you both have a bright future selling generic viagara pills from Russia.

But I have an idea, lets play a game... its called being adults.

Do you support raising the debt limit, if so why. Do you agree with Obama's flip flip, and if so why?

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

There were no attacks on either of you in this post or comments. I exposed Obama as an empty suited fraud once again, and Rhino made a snarky comment mocking him.

You two on cue like broken retarded records come in with your jibberish about non-existant tax breaks, Al Gore, insults to our brain capacity, and Michelle Malkin attacks.

You bring absolutely nothing substantive to the table except as an amusing time filler at work. You could say that Anita and Gary are my Farmville. Baa baa sheep!

Rhino-itall said...

essential services?????

Did you see ANYTHING in the stimulus bill?

Studies on cow farts are essential?

Turtle crossings?

Bridges to nowhere?

light rail in areas that already have light rail that nobody uses?

Did you see the TARP bill? We needed to bail out Goldman Sachs? We have to bail out FANNIE and FREDDIE MAC? CEO's of these government institutions are paying themselves TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS..but I guess you think that's essential.

We need to give the Palestinian authority a hundred million dollars in "aid"?

You think your tax dollars only go to essential services?

I used to think you were smart but you're just a hack like gary.

tax the rich? That's you're answer? and what about we just confiscate EVERY dollar that the "rich" have and we don't even make a dent in the 14 TRILLION dollar debt? Then what?

You're not a person to be taken seriously. We will let you know when we're having a cutest kitten contest so you can comment on that.

gary said...

I look forward to the kitten contest.

samw said...

Here is why I disagree with your theory on taxing the rich more.

The baby boomers are the largest group of tax payers. They have been paying alot of taxes for quite a few years now and most are at retirement age. Our population that follows them is much smaller. And yet with the shrinking population the essential services that should be needed by less people are still in crisis. The non essential services as Rhino pointed out are not in crisis.
So my personal belief is before we take anymore money from anyone....we need look at where its going and where it went. How many places can we cut the fat? How much corruption need cleaned out?
Everytime this is mentioned it turns into a volley of rhetoric like Sarah Palin is stupid and Democrats are socialists.
It is really more about balancing the checkbook. And the government no matter who's t-shirt you're wearing needs to be accountable.
And by the way...If your guy happens to be wrong that day. I won't hold you personally responsible for his mistake.

anita said...
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Rhino-itall said...

Seriously Anita u just ignored ams point. She's agreeing with me that there's too much waste in government.

Why do we give billions in foreign aid if we can't afford to keep street lights on?

Why do we pay for illegal aliens to go to college if we can't keep after school programs going?

Why is Obama increasing the troop levels in Afghanistan and nation building there when there was never a nation to begin with when we are shutting down fire houses?

That is the point.

Taxing the "rich" is putting your finger in the dyke(calm down donkey it's a dam)

Stop spending!

If you can't understand that you should move along to some echo chamber and hang with the kos kids

anita said...
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Rhino-itall said...

I didn't say I wanted to reduce troop levels. Whether or not I think nation building in Afghanistan is a good idea has no bearing on the argument.

The amount of spending is not sustainable. Where the government cuts it is less important than the actual fact that it must be cut.