Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union...

Seriously even more boring than normal. One thing that stood out to me was the president proposing to cut 400 billion in spending over 10 years. Ten years? 40 billion a year?

Not even a drop in the bucket.


gary said...

Well, you're right but didn't Reagan prove that deficits don't matter? At least Dick Cheney thought so.

Rhino-itall said...

Yes he did. Reagan also proved that cutting taxes for the rich works and that trickle down economics works.

Now if Obama decides to implement all of the Reagan policies I'm sure we'll be fine but until then I think we should stick to the here and now.

gary said...

Actually Reagan (and Bush 1) proved that deficits don't matter if you have someone else to clean up the mess. And trickle down economics is as discredited as Marxism, only believed by true believers. Over the last few decades the wealth has trickled up, as witnesseed by the growing economic disparity in this country.

samw said...

All pointed fingers duly noted... Now American government is spending money it doesn't have.
What's your solution?

gary said...

I think more of the money should have been spent on repairing infrastructure, to provide jobs and stimulate the economy. The stimulus probably should have been larger, as Paul Krugman said. Government spending stimulates the economy as it did after Pearl Harbor. After that we should start cutting spending. Cutting spending much now will throw us back into recession.

Rhino-itall said...

anyone with a brain knows that government spending is always wasteful and inefficient.

Cut taxes everywhere across the board, reduce spending on every government agency across the board,ammend the constitution to put a limit on how much the government can take from the tax payer (20% of GDP for example), stop making new laws that take our liberty, reduce all barriers to corporate reinvestment and repatriation of funds, and deregulate the insurance industry to open up competition and drive down costs.

Then sit back and watch the fireworks when the economy roars back to life in less than 2 years.

If Obama did that he would surpass Reagan as the greatest president ever.

Getlive said...

Spend it up baby! Who cares about deficits. I am personally 567,000 dollars in debt and I have never felt more free. I have everything.

Donkeyhue said...

Two words.


samw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
anita said...

news flash. bloomberg/newsweek outline the massive costs to the economy of disintegrating infrastructure.

"The clogged roadways exact a price. Traffic congestion cost the U.S. $114.8 billion in wasted time and fuel in 2009 as the average urban driver spent the equivalent of four work days waiting in traffic, according to a report by the Texas Transportation Institute."

anita said...

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO, often bitter foes in conflicts between business and labor, released a rare joint statement Wednesday in support of President Barack Obama's call for additional infrastructure spending.

Getlive said...

I'm down with infrastructure spending. We should have the best roads and bridges. I'd rather sit in traffic on a freshly paved 6 lane freeway than a meager 3 lane with pot holes.