Sunday, January 02, 2011

Regrets? Dems Have A Few

But dont mention them. Seriously.

I dont know what pisses me off more, that the democrats removed death panels from Obamacare knowing it would never pass and now Obama is implementing death panels by regulation that they were unable to pass with legislation, that Rep. Earl Blumenauer was orchestrating an obvious coverup to this fact or that whenever democratic politicians get caught in a lie/scandal/screw-up all they have to say is that they misspoke - it was unintential - or that they regret it and all is fine in the world.


.... and as an aside heres some nice liberal Bush blaming backfiring.



gary said...

There are no death panels unless you define death panel as patients being able to discuss end-of-life care with their doctors. And by that definition I'm in favor of it. Arent' you?

Republicans love to give stupid propaganda names to things. A tax on large estates is a "death tax". Discussing living wills and DNA orders with a doctor is a "death panel". Stupid. But smart too I guess because some fall for it.

Rhino-itall said...

It is not just a discussion.

Doctors will be compensated based on encouraging people to abandon treatment and "go quietly into that good night" In other words, there will be panels of doctors who will push you towards death.

Death Panels.

Also, when you DIE the government taxes your estate. It's not when you're living or when you're sick. It's not when you're young or when you're old. It's when you DIE.

Death Tax.

I agree that all politicians twist words around to their benefit and to demonize legistlation that they disagree with. I also agree that they do the opposite with legislation that they do agree with.

Hence the "estate tax" which is really just a tax on your death.

anita said...
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anita said...
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Rhino-itall said...

once again it's not about whether or not you get advice. I agree it's a good idea.

However...if the government has panels of doctors who are paid to encourage you to NOT get treatment or to deny you treatment based on cost rather than your choice, that is a DEATH PANEL.

put away your personal experience for a minute because it's not relevant to the discussion. If you're being honest you know it's a death panel. If you can't get over your own emotional perspective then we are done here.

Rhino-itall said...

your argument on the death tax is so ridiculous i feel like gary wrote it.

anita said...
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gary said...

Anita's right. Not everyone who dies gets taxed, only a small percentage who leave large estates, and actually its the estate that gets taxed. Estate tax.

Everyone facing death should have a discussion about DNRs, living wills, hospice care, palliative care, etc., leaving the choices to the patient. Not a death panel.

Rhino-itall said...

Anita if i'm wrong please point out where i am wrong.

Is the government going to decide if i'm eligible to get a specific medicine or treatment based on costs? I'm pretty certain that is exactly what these panels are supposed to do.

Are these panels in place to encourage people to forgo treatment that would keep them alive? That's my understanding.

These are death panels.

With regard to the estate tax. If you already taxed my estate when i was alive and then you taxed it again when i die what was the difference? What changed? Oh yeah i DIED! it's a tax on my estate when I DIE! That's a death tax and it's flat out wrong.

The class warfare argument that it only affects a few wealthy people doesn't make it right.

Rhino-itall said...

let me also point out that the class warfare argument is also incorrect but that is irrelevant.

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

I know its a knee jerk reaction to blanket disagree with Palin, but she warned dems would try and sneak death panels into Obomacare, the left and media mocked her, the dems have now snuck death panels into Obomacare.  She was right as rain.

Forget for a moment death panels and Obamacare, how is the way this admin operating not giving you great cause for concern.  Much like all his major legislative achievements, this went through in the dead of night on a weekend to try and hide from the disagreeing public.  But this is worse, we have a runaway President intentionally trying to implement through regulation what Congress failed to pass through legislation.  Hes trying the same bs with a carbon tax.  This is a gross abuse of power and a blatant disregard for constitutional checks and balances.  

I dont even know how to respond to Anita and Gary, they arent even debating the issue at hand, theyre just making shit up and using the same liberal rhetoric thats used in every other debate.  Blah blah the rich suck, conservatives are tea baggers, you are mean to minorities.  The two of you argue like children.

Now can we discuss how Kristen Powers got absolutely destroyed by Tucker Carlson and guest as thats the crux of liberalism, when confronted with the truth they just make shit up and blame Bush.

anita said...
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gary said...

We argue like children? You are the ones who resort to name calling and ignore or misrepresent our arguments, because you cannot answer them. There are no death panels, unless discussions of end-of-life care = death panel, in which case I am pro-death panel. The GOP hirest PR specialists who come up with misleading and simplistic terms like death tax and death panels, and then the Rightwing herd moronically adopts them.

Donkeyhue said...

Again, your responses are as expected.

I dont give a shit what you want to call them. Grow up and discuss the issue or fuck off already.

Taxing someone at death on money that has already been taxed is wrong. The constitution protects suspected criminals from being "twice put in jeopardy", I see no reason to not afford tax payers the same right. Money that has been taxed during life should not be taxed again. Do you not see that with the death tax, eventually after enough generations the govt will control almost 100% of a private dollar earned. That ok with you? If so stop reading now.

Regarding death panels, call them what you want, but the govt compensating doctors to advise on cost saving methods that result in death is not only morally wrong but constitutionally an overreach. That is the issue.

Anita and Gary, you want the govt to eventually own 100% of every private dollar earned and believe the govt is better decider of a patients health care than the individual.

Rhino and I dont.

Now please go read the article I linked, as any further comments not related to Rep Earl Blumenauer's blatant and possible criminal coverup of the implentation of death panels in Obamacare will be deleted.

Be on topic or be gone.

gary said...

Oh, and your link doesn't work.