Monday, January 31, 2011

Many Stories Untold

Getlive recently posted a story about how the liberal media didn't cover an attempted assasination of a prominent Governor because the assasin was one of them. He was a uber lib who probably got riled up by Obama's "get in their face" speech or anything that ed shultz or keith olbermann say nightly on MSNBC. So we didn't hear about it.

Another untold story is that of the muslim terrorists who launch attacks all over the world.

American Thinker had a great explanation. It involves Sharks and Dolphins.


Donkeyhue said...

I dont think its that complicated, although I like the theory and it was a funny skit. I believe it really is just a matter of liberals simply not liking America.

gary said...

Actually we just don't like you.

Donkeyhue said...

Of course you dont, you are a liberal, which by the very definition means you are hateful.

See, here's the deal and the point of the post you choose to ignore.

If you dont like me and hit me with a bat, its because you had a melancholy upbringing and your school didnt have enough books. If I strike you its because Im a gaybashing teabagging nazi bigot.

And heres the kicker, and I speak with Rhino enough and know Getlive well enough to speak for all of us to say that we dont hate anyone on the left, not even a Kennedy. Its just not in our nature. We disagree and we oppose, but for liberalism to thrive you must hate. Hate Exxon Hate Cheney Hate Palin Hate whatever, its who you are and quite frankly very sad.

But you are cowards and why when confronted with real evil you treat the sharks as dolphins and the tuna as Hitler. Maybe if you cross your fingers real hard, more Americans will be murdered before the next election eh comrade? Never let a crisis go to waste.

gary said...

Liberals are hateful by definition? By what definition is that? Who resorts to name-calling and false accusations of treason on a regular basis? Who accuses whom exactly of hating America? Speaking on behalf of all liberals, we love America. As for the point of your post, I didn't read the link, it's too long but I do like tuna.

samw said...

Gary if you don't think this was left unreported due to a liberal agenda. Tell me why. Donkey is accusing your side of hating american and having an anti american agenda. All you got is I'm rubber and you're glue? What would be a plausible explanation for the omissions pointed out?

Lynn Alexander said...

Why do we want to believe that Chevy Chase was funny?

Getlive said...

Don't bother Sam. Gary never has any reasons why he says what he says. He loyally totes the lib lines and propaganda. I have been saying for some time now that he does not think for himself. He has the progressives think for him and that is precisely the type of person they prey upon.

Rhino-itall said...

Lynn 2 things.

1. welcome to the aurora. good to have a fellow long islander. (nice ice storm this morning by the way)

2. Fletch was a comic masterpiece.

Lynn Alexander said...

I'm not on Long Island, I am in Pittsburgh.

Chevy's ok.

Goldie's ok.

Daughter, not so much.

Rhino-itall said...

Not Long Island...lucky you.

I miss brooklyn! (which is also technically long island but might as well be a different country)

Go Steelers!