Saturday, January 08, 2011


Only someone so out of touch with reality that they could claim that “deficit reduction” has been their “highest priority” while simultaneously adding more than $1 trillion a year to the debt could possibly claim that repealing Obamacare would add to the debt. But that is exactly what Pelosi wants us to believe.



gary said...

We spend about twice as much per capita on healthcare as any other nation, and without covering everyone. So, we know that it is possible to cut healthcare costs. Whether Obamacare will do this I have no idea.

As for deficits, didn't Reagan prove that deficits don't matter? That's what Cheney said at any rate.

Rhino-itall said...

Well Gary you finally admitted it. You have no idea. Good for you!

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

Get rid of the insurance companies? Spoken like a true fascist.

Getlive said...

Why don't we just have the doctors do what they do for free? Why do people think that the government should provide healthcare for everyone? If that's the case, I want free car insurance, free homeowners insurance, free dental, free life insurance and free, well, any insurance. Damn people, how about some ownership and responsibility for your life.

Getlive said...

Oh, and another thing. We don't have any MONEY.

Rhino-itall said...

Anita has officially entered the Gary zone. This zone is for people who really aren't smart enough to argue with and will be addressed for entertainment value only.

I'm a little bit embarrassed to admit that I'm surprised by this.

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

Thats a great quote, but what does it have to do with you being a fascist?

See, once again you make an emotional argument usinig a holocaust survivor as your crutch.

But you are right most people do not use the term correctly, and in the liberal mindset it has become a euphemism for a mean person.

I am however using it the its truest sense of the word based on the actions and official doctrine of Benito Mussolini who much like you also called for getting "rid of the middleman" and privatised the banks and insurance companies as one of his first acts in power.

How bout tort reform? Or allowing interstate competition? Both of those would bring prices down and promote effeciency. Nope not for you, get rid of them and privatize them.

If it walks like a fascist and quacks like a fascisy, then Anita you are a fascist.

Donkeyhue said...

On second thought did you even read the quote you linked? Or maybe you just dont understand it.

Mr Levi is obviously opposed to the gross consolidation of power by a central govt.

Thank you for making my point.


Rhino-itall said...

Anita why do you believe insurance companies are gouging?

I don't think they have much of a choice myself.

They are FORCED by government to have certain packages, they are DENIED the opportunity to compete freely whether it be types of insurance or across state lines.

And now the government wants to FORCE them to insure people with pre existing conditions. That's so nonsensical that if it wasn't Obama I would think they were joking.

I just wish your statement of universal care not being an option was actually true. I fear that younger wrong and just hope that the new Tea Party republicans stand their ground.

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

Yeah Im sure Levi was real concerned with the tax rate on top earners while in the concentration camp.

You are not a serious person.

anita said...
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Getlive said...

I'm with ya on that Anita.

Getlive said...

I mean with levi's philosophy.