Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bow Wow!

As much as it bothers me that Obama bows to every foreign leader (historical allies aside), its that they dont bow back that gives me greater cause for concern. He says its a respect thing, well maybe so, so then why isnt he getting the hint that the world view him as weaksauce?


Rhino-itall said...

Good point. Why don't these mofo's bow back? Especially the asians. Isn't that their thing?

Donkeyhue said...

It is their thing, to people they respect. Libs will point out that Bush held hands with a Saudi Prince, but what they fail to understand is that it was mutual gayness, Obama's bowing is strictly a one-way street. The world views Obama as weak because he is weak, but hot damn can he give a heckuva speech after a mass murder.

Getlive said...

He soft like pork dumpring.

gary said...

Off topic, but check out my post on topless Ukranian protesters. Finally a cause we can all support.