Thursday, December 16, 2010

"We've Been Here For A Day!!!"

No John, you have been in power for two years and have done bubtkus. I thought smart guys liked reading.... wait a minute.

RealClearPolitics - Video - John Kerry Complains About "Reading" Omnibus "Rather Than Working On It"


gary said...

No one in the Senate will actually read the bill. They are talking about the Republican obstructionist ploy of requiring that the bill will be read out loud. The Democrats will have a speed reader do so if required. No one will listen to the reading of the bill. Our Congress at work.

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

I think every bill should be read aloud on principle before a vote, not that it would matter either way the convoluted way they are written.

But it is you and Gary that are missing the point. Congress has had six years to act on this, to blame the Republicans for "running out the clock" only strengthens the argument that the dems fail as legislators.

Rhino-itall said...

I don't want to "pile on" Anita but Donkey is correct that you have totally missed the point.

The dems had a super majority in congress and they controlled the whitehouse for 2 years! What was stopping them from moving on all of these issues? DADT? Dream Act? Taxes? etc.?

And now you come with the tired old republicans are stoopid and don't know how to read bullshit? Really?

The American people have REJECTED THE LEFT AND THEIR POLICIES. The republicans are absolutely obstructing because it's the will of their constituents.

Donkeyhue said...

It should be noted that Bush's tax cuts passed with a vote of 51-50.

He was able to get it passed with the most razor of thin margins for one reason and one reason only... He was a leader of men.

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

He wasnt? Obama sure seems to think so.

The Dems voted for everything he ever asked them to.

He received unanimous resolutions on Iraq and Afganistan from the United Nations.

He was the first President in decades to pick up seats in his first midterm.

Just because you dont like him or disagree with his policies doesnt mean he didnt get things done and that takes leadership, something Obama is obviously lacking.

gary said...

Reading all the bills out loud is the stupidest principle one can imagine. It can take hours or days and no one is listening. It is a delaying tactic, nothing more.

Bush passed the tax cuts without a super-majority? Perhaps it was because the Democrats did not filibuster every bill. The Democrats deserve credit for getting anything passed given the Republican obstructionist tactics.

Rhino-itall said...

How about reading the bills in general before you vote on them?

Because that's not what's happening. Contrary to what Nancy pelosi says, we shouldn't have to pass these laws to find out what's in them. Our reps should know BEFORE they cast the vote. I don't understand how anyone can honestly argue against this.