Thursday, December 16, 2010


“Absolutely,” he said. “And what we need to do is sort of the chicken and egg to move the economy to get it growing. So what we’ve got to do is figure out ways to get this economy growing. And I think one of the areas I’m working with the president on is growing exports. You know we set a goal to double exports within five years. That creates jobs. People don’t understand. They think trade is a bad four letter word. Trade is good. It creates a lot of jobs in this country. We need to do that.”

Putting that aside however, the point of the story is that the federal government is hurting job creation with overbearing regulation and uncertainty. Could UPS hire even more people? Of course they could but they won't and it's not because they're treasonous or anti-American like Anita has claimed in the past.

Just the fact that the President had to open up the meeting with this line...

"I want to dispel any notion we want to inhibit your success,” President Obama told 20 CEOs this morning, according to a source in the room. “We want to be boosters because when you do well, America does well."

should tell you that indeed he and his administration have a hostile attitude towards big and small business. Of course he did organize this meeting, so maybe he's learning......maybe.....


gary said...

Could UPS hire even more people? Here is a question I can provide some insight on as I know someone who was hired recently at UPS. UPS hires people as needed. Over the Holidays they need more people so they hire temp "driver helpers" at $8.25 an hour, with of course no benefits. Not a coincidence I think that the minimum wage in california is $8 an hour.

Rhino-itall said...

I am well aware of how it works. I was hired as a temporary worker at UPS during Christmas time when I was 19yrs old. I was hired at the same time as about 50 other people in my hub (Farmingdale NY). I kicked ass and was offered a regular position (part time was how it worked then according to the sort). Less than a year later I was promoted to management. I left UPS about a year later for another job opportunity but it was a great experience and they are a terrific company to work for.

So if your friend works his ass off and does well I'm sure that management will notice and realize he would be an asset to them.

Your condescension is typical of the liberal mindset. You think your friend should automatically be given a higher wage and benefits without earning it. Hopefully for him he doesn't share your attitude and he can be successful.

Donkeyhue said...

Where was the insight?

That companies hire employees as needed?

The holidays is a busy season?

That companies pay approx what the govt mandates they pay?

Um thanks...for nothing.

Rhino and I have both spent time early in our careers in shipping/transportation and I dont think either of us could have come up with such keen observations.

Here's my guess though, your friend wasnt the only one applying for the job?

What does that tell you, Amazing Kreskin?

samw said...

To increase export we would have to increase manufacturing.
To increase manufacturing we would have to clean out the corruption in the labor unions. Do you really think anyone is going to call the labor unions into accountability?
Ask the people in Ohio, West Virginia, or Michigan. What did the labor unions do for their economy? The unions were for a long time long protected by the government and the democratic vote in these states. They refused to cut the fat and the due paying workers lost thier jobs because of it. How many of thier good jobs are gone now? most of them.
Where did they go?
Places without labor unions.
It would proably be cheaper and more effective to send the labor unions to China and India to drive up the cost of labor.

gary said...

OK i thought your point that UPS wasn't hiring more people because of government regulation. Don't know how I got that idea.

Rhino-itall said...

Thats exactly why they aren't hiring and more importantly thats exactly why they laid off so many workers last year.

I think it's pretty obvious.