Thursday, December 16, 2010

That Pandering Looks FABULOUSSS!

Jimmy Carter once again grasping for relevancy has stated that he thinks that the country is ready for a gay president. That's great, and personally I'd have no problem with it if they were qualified and the best candidate, but why gay? Isn't that rather arbitrary?

Why not a midget president? An albino president? A bearded woman president? Or how about a one armed president that makes slot machine motions with his good arm during every speech?

So...why gay?

I realize the dems want and need another divisive issue to paint the Republicans as the bad guys, but last time I checked the Democrats were in complete power the last two years and controlled Congress the last six years and haven't done squat for "gay rights". Last time I checked it was a Democratic President that implemented Don't Ask Don't Tell. Last time I checked Barack Obama has the exact same position on gay marriage as Sarah Palin.

To compare the "gay issue" with that of that of the black Civil Rights movement is ridiculous in every way but one, the dems will blame the GOP for everything and in return do absolutely nothing for those they seek to "help".

Oh and another thing, just go away already Jimmy Carter, I dont even care if you go away mad.


gary said...

Some say our first gay president was Abraham Lincoln.

gary said...

Personally though I would go with James Buchanan. And I will continue to defend Rhino and Donkey's right to get married.

Donkeyhue said...

Gary telling a gay joke about Rhino and I, another shining example of liberal tolerance. Sorry to see that a persons sexuality is a punch line to liberals such as yourself.

And for the record, Buchanan is probably one of the most underrated and unfairly maligned Presidents in our history...and also most likely a fag and why the President's wife is now known as First Lady.

gary said...

I was not suggesting that you two are gay, although I think you would make a cute couple. I was merely defending the right of "fags" as you call them to marry.

Donkeyhue said...

Rhino and I are both men, suggesting that we were gay is exactly what you were doing. A persons sexuality is a punchline and politcal point for you. You see it everytime a Republican is outed or comes out of the closet, the childish snickering of the left, because in general liberals are a hateful intolerant bunch.

The Aurora doesnt see skin color, creed, or sexuality... We see priciples or lack thereof and debate on those merits and those merits alone.

And "fags" isnt my word, it's theirs. I just happen to like the ring of it.

Rhino-itall said...

Just FYI. I'm not gay but if I was I would like to think I could do better than offense...sort of....

Donkeyhue said...

How soon you forget.  You dont remember that night in Puerto Rico when we almost slept together?  Well I do, in fact I was just telling the story the other day as an example of man rules.

Allow me...

It was a hot stormy night in San Juan, and we had just arrived at our hotel much later than expected.  As a result, the hotel only had one room available with two beds for four guys.  Not much we could do about it so we checked in. Upon entering the room and realizing they were pretty decent sized beds, one of our friends declared that he and "D" would share one and me and Rhino the other.  Rhino and I looked each other in the eyes as I said "call it in the air" loser gets the floor.  Tails never fails. an aside, our two friends have been dating since.

...and no you cant.

anita said...
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Rhino-itall said...

That trip by the way will always be remembered for the most incredible run on a craps table EVER at the Ritz in San Juan.

I held the dice for at least 30 minutes and they actually shut the table down 15 minutes early! EVERYONE at the table won THOUSANDS...You're welcome donkey.

Donkeyhue said...

Well as they say, first time shooters and women are usually good luck so you had two things going for you.

But you are wrong, although it was an incredible run and certainly worthy of honorable mention, that trip will be remembered for the best god dam turkey sandwich to walk he planet.