Thursday, December 09, 2010

No Really, The Tea Party Are The Crazy Ones


Rhino-itall said...

I'm a big fan of hummus.

back in the day (pre 9/11) when donkey and I worked together at a place in times square there was a big demonstration in front of our office...thousands of palestinians and their supporters rallying against Israel. I left work and spent 3 hours arguing with everyone and anyone who would engage me and every one of them were confounded by me.

They have these big demonstrations with slogans and chants (and dance moves with sequin headbands apparently) but when it comes down to it they're clueless and easily befuddled.

Reminds me of gary...minus the sequins i'm assuming.

anita said...

well, given that agriculture is only 2.6% of isreal's gdp, i doubt that boycotting the "hummous industry" is going to make much of an impact on their policies toward the palestinians, which i agree are less than admirable, to say the least.

i like the concept of the flash mob, however. some are better done than others. here's one that was done at Monmouth Park in my old hometown in NJ a few weeks ago (on behalf of Mary's Place on the beach in Ocean Grove ... ).

Rhino-itall said...

Why do you liberals love these palestinians so much? Or is it just that you hate the Jews?

I'm thinking it's the second option. Which is why I always say that the Jews are stupid for continually supporting the dems.

Bottom line is that the palestinians were and are the dirt merchants of the middle east. They have been dissed by the rest of the Arab community for centuries and the ONLY reason why anyone is interested in helping them now is because the displaced Jews were granted land by the rightful owners (the british) and turned a hell hole into the wealthiest, most successful, most vibrant and democratic country in the region.

I say fuck the palestinians. They have had financial aid, military help, etc.etc.etc... They had a deal on the table for statehood (Clintons greatest accomplishment!)they turned it down because they wanted more!! They even get gay dance groups battling the hummus industry!!! I mean who else gets that?? and yet.....they're still a backwards ass bunch of losers shelling Israeli civilians and then crying when their homes get bulldozed.

You want to defend these people? Yeah, i'm the nutty one.

samw said...

How can you say the Israeli policy toward the palestenians is less than admirable??????

The palestanian leasdership went on inernational airways and said "We will not rest until every last Jew is dead." Evidently Paris Hilton was more intersting that week because Americans did not even notice. The Israelis do not strap dynamite to thier 12 year old sons and send them to a public place to detaonate. But the palestenians do. Would you consider that less than admirable?

These Nazi's arent talking about white power. But they ARE discussing extermination of an entire race.
We should negotiate with them a peaceful settlement?
Because they are a peaceful people who are just mistreated by these awful Holocuast survivors who have heard this rhetoric before. You really think Americans would not be a target of terrorism if they weren't an Israeli ally? You're wrong.

anita said...

most reasonable people are in favor of a two-state solution. every group has their radicals and wing-nuts, including the isreali's. i don't hate the average isreali just as i don't hate the average palestinian. it's the wing nuts and crazies that ruin life for the sensible people who want a lasting peace in the middle east. i don't agree with this flash mob, but eventually the isrealis are going to have to make peace with their neighbors.

oh, and the BRITISH were the RIGHTFUL OWNERS of isreal? the british were colonialists through and through. so that's a nutty statement.

gary said...

The Israeli occupation will eventually destroy Israel and is unjust.

Sooner or later there has to either be a Palestinean state or Israel has to grant full citizenship rights to the residents of the occupied territories. The latter would make Jews a minority in Israel.

And in what moral universe was England the rightful owner of that area?

Rhino-itall said...

1. It's not the extremist palestinians. That attitude pervades the entire society.

2. There was a 2 state solution that the Israeli's agreed to and Arafat turned it down.

3. Colony or country or whatever you want to call it, the British were the rightful owners. This is not up for debate.

With regard to gary's comment, that is exactly why I continue to say the Jews are stupid. They continue to vote for the same people that gary votes for.

Forget the fact that I think Gary is stupid, he's not alone in his thinking.

gary said...

I will agree that the British were the owners based on brute force. How does that make them the "rightful" owners? Was Nazi Germany the "rightful" owner of France after they invaded that country?

anita said...

the british were the occupiers ... i can't believe you can't see that.

gary said...

By that logic the British are the rightful owners of America. Heck if that were true we'd all be speaking English today.

samw said...

Please explain how the British were occupiers and but the palestenians are not. Please...because my guess is you dont know you just heard some expert like Susan Sarandon give you your opinion for you.

Rhino-itall said...

WOW the new player samw coming out of the box strong.

let me explain some history to gary and anita.

The british WERE the rightful owners of the U.S. until the colonists took it from them by BRUTE FORCE. And before that, it was rightfully owned by the cherokee who took it by BRUTE FORCE from the algonquins or some other tribe that they conquered.

America, like most if not all other countries is not some fairy tale nation of immigrants settling peacefully and integrating into the existing society. We are a nation of conquerers.

The british conquered or occupied or whatever they did but they were the rightful owners.

Wake up knuckleheads!

gary said...

Gee samw maybe because the Palestineans lived there and the British came half way across the world. And Rhino I guess by your logic Hitler was the rightful owner of France. And if I mug you then I am the rightful owner of your money. Thanks it's all clear now.

samw said...

Well.....Lets go back to history for a moment. Do you remeber something called the Crusades? Many Jews fled that area because Europeans were coming in and killing them if they did not convert to Christianity. Then later they had to run again from places like Spain. (something called the Spanish Inquisition, maybe you've heard of it )

They scattered the world but a very large number of them settled in Poland and Russia. Then came the Nazis. At the end of war we had thousands of people whose possesions were taken from them and homes were destroyed and they had no place to go from the concentration camps.

In 1948. the place they orginated from, now known as Israel was a desloate piece of desert. The Britsh and the United nations negotiated with Jordan and the surrounding countries that useless piece of desert would be the place these left over people could settle and make thier own state. It was all legal and recognized by the united nations and recognized by the surrounding Arab countries who got PAID for it.
Since then Israel has had to defend its ever shrinking borders. Not because they stole something but because they are JEWS.
The territory known as Israel in 1948 was signifcantly larger than what is called Israel today. All in the name of a peaceful solution. However no matter how many concessions in the name of peace have been given to the Palestenians there is still a struggle.

But I guess the Jews are just a bunch of thieves.

Rhino-itall said...


It's ok gary.. go ahead and google it....maybe susan sarandon has a rebuttal for you.....

Samw dropping knowledge like galileo dropped the orange!

Rhino-itall said...

Hey in case anyone missed it, Samw also crushed it on the "Unemployment" post from a few days ago.

anita said...
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Donkeyhue said...

I dont know who Samw is, but its apparent she digs me.

...and welcome.

Rhino-itall said...

I think Sam is a dude...good luck with that fruitcake!

Donkeyhue said...

Dude looks like a lady.