Sunday, December 12, 2010

No Blood For Oil

Bush lied, Obama complied

I'm beginning to think the birthers might be right, but I dont think Africa is his place of birth. The evidence is mounting that he's actually a Texan.


Rhino-itall said...

Why isn't this bigger news? How come the dems aren't holding hearings and investigating the oil companies? What happened to Pelosi looking for her "windfall" profits tax? Didn't Maxine Waters says she wanted to take over the oil companies?

Now there's a dem in the whitehouse so the oil companies are o.k.?


gary said...

I'm afraid that it's only going to get worse. The US hit peak oil about 1970, and domestic productions has been falling since and well continue to do so no matter how many people chant the moronic "drill baby drill" slogan. The world as a whole has or is about to hit peak oil, as demand continues to rise. And fossil fuel is primarily to blame for global warming, the reality and seriousness of which is now accepted by all non-idiots.

anita said...

funny how it is with you guys. and i'm certainly NOT defending obama here.

obama does what right for the country and you bash him as a socialistcommunistnazibetrayer. obama caves to favor YOUR side and what do you do, you call him a bushclonetexaslovingcompliantwimp.

the MO of the aurora is not sane mature adult discussions ... it's only a game of pure "gotcha."

again, i don't like this. but seriously. if you feel he is leaning toward your side of the arguments, then why not say, hey, obama's weak, perhaps a closet republican and say, "hey, that's good for us."

but no ... you just have to be mean no matter what.

Donkeyhue said...

Anita, you miss the point entirely. This has absolutely nothing to do with Obama. I am mocking the lunatic left who blamed the price of oil on Bush/Cheney.

Get it? Now you see how silly your side is?

Try to keep up.

Rhino-itall said...

And I followed up on donkeys obvious point by asking where are the congressional hearings etc...

Obviously market forces decide the price of oil, not the president of the united states. Not even a republican president!

anita said...

i admit to not getting your point, because, well, could it be because you posted as some kind of evidence of your "point" an article that is nearly a year old? Hmmmm.

A lot has happened since March of 2010, the Gulf oil disaster that clearly exposed an oil company and its associated companies taking shortcuts on design to save a couple of bucks, short cuts on employee safety, massive corruption and almost total lack of oversight within the government agency charged with ensuring employee safety, upholding design standards, and honest reporting? a disaster that despoiled for years and years to come local economies and natural ecosystems?

yeah. it's true. i'm missing your point.

and to say that the retail price of oil is truly MARKET DRIVEN is kind of laughable verging on the absurd, don't you think? the price oil has been manipulated by opec for decades. and yes, our attempts to find our own "home grown" energy sources are in some respects commmendable, but in the end, we pretty have much run out and if american and non-arab countries want to find this home-grown energy and have the american people on board with it, they are going to have work a little harder to make the process safer for both people and the environment. a critical mass will arise as (potentially) future blow-ups happen in the gulf, off the continental shelves, and elsewhere.

Gas prices (at the pump) are also driven by state taxes, that's why I paid $3.20 per gallon this week to fill up my car's gas tank here in New York versus my sister paying $2.95 in New Jersey, where sleazeball chris christie would rather pick fights with new jersey's teachers than address the state's real problems.

which brings me to another topic that will piss you guys off. you've got a new republican governor in wisconsin (who hasn't even been sworn in yet) rejecting stimulus funds for a on-the-books high-speed rail project, causing a major rail engineering and construction firm to leave the state along with current and future jobs, tax revenues and the like, for states that welcome viable mass transit projects that will reduce dependence on foreign oil, and that will bring U.S. transportation systems on a par with those in Europe and Asia. John Kasich, in Ohio, I believe is planning to do the same thing.

once again. republicans and their small minded, short term thinking. the party of business. yeah right. the party of business that is driving american business out of the country. the party of business that wouldn't know a good long term investment if it slapped them in the face.

Donkeyhue said...

Youre right. The article is outdated, the ppg is up another 20% since that story was published.

So....youre saying that the price of oil is Obama's fault?

samw said...

Have we run out of oil? Because I think we just haven't used ours. And we certainly have enough to use while we develop our other methods.

The opposotion form the left on developing our own energy sources are just as loud and obnoxious as the opposition from the left to the war because they believe it is over oil.
So what exactly do they want? Do they want us to all chop down trees and heat our houses that way? It is 18 degrees outside today. You think I'm going outside with an axe?
I dont understand why its ok to launch a campaign against something and then oppose every possible solution to the problem. We are still America. We are still the the place where the world's best and brightest flock to rake in the spoils of success. We are not helpless or with out resources.
This is not about American prosperity it is about party lines. And ANYONE who continually spouts party lines and does not push for accountablility and solutions, contributes to the biggest problem in Washington.

anita said...

i don't pay much attention to "party lines" as much as you would like to brand me with any number of labels. i think that if you look at just about anything i've written here it's been about american prosperity, wise environmental policies, good (i.e., not corrupt) government and the fostering of a strong middle class.

you can throw as many labels at me as you wish because you will find that none of them, in the end, really stick. i don't claim to know it all, i'll stand corrected, i'm open minded, but i don't stand for knee jerk, mindless and cruel bashing of diverse opinions, a diversity that makes our country great. yes, there are nutty people on the left just as there are nutty people on the right. i don't fit into either category.

and samw, i am really, really sorry i complimented you on some of your previous comments. i realize now that you are just as close-minded and are willing to throw unwarranted jabs as the other two. i happen to have a history here; but you think you can just walk in the door and start bashing me? ever here of manners? yes, they are part of life even in the blogosphere.

if you read what i wrote you will notice that i commented on unwillingness of two republican governors to even consider ONE alternative that will both potentially reduce american consumption of fossil fuels AND bring our transportation infrastructure in line with the rest of the industrialized world: high speed rail. plus, i said nothing about stopping drilling for oil, i said simply that after the gulf crisis, oil companies are (hopefully, at least) not going to get away with shoddy construction methods and corrupt business practices.

anitaxnow ... over and out.

Rhino-itall said...

High speed rail? I didn't read your previous comment because it's too long but if someone is pushing for high speed rail it's just pork.

High speed rail is a failure. ESPECIALLY if the government is going to run it. MAYBE if you privatized it someone could make money on it but even then I doubt it.

And please don't point to other countries as an example of how great it is. If they had a choice they would drive their cars but gas is 2 or 3 times more expensive and they are poorer than us.

Now let the chick fight continue.

samw said...

Are the high speed rails going to run on coal or ethanol? I haven't seen the research on how it actually reduces the need for oil. So I cant really speak to it as an actual solution to the oil problem.
I do know that Rhino is correct the countries with rail systems are poorer and gas costs significantly more.

I have seen research on how much oil the US Still has and diesel engines for that matter.
My questions are.... Would it cost the over streched tax payers more to build new railroads, up grade the existing ones, or take the all of the diesel engines currently on the road in the US and use them the way they were designed? Without gasoline. How much time would that take?
Would taking the transportation industry out of the Oil demand actually drive up the cost?

Once again we are talking about how evil rebuplicans are and how stupid democrats are but you can't say anything about the proposed railways except republicans are sleazeballs.

So would railways actually reduce our need for Oil? How?

Getlive said...

Boy, everyone is so defensive lately. Screw high speed rail. I want teleportation. The only problem is that the tele porters will run on oil.