Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Liberalism, The Democrats, and Unions Are Failing Our Children

Who Owns The Future? - HUMAN EVENTS


gary said...

Did you read the article? He doesn't blame liberals, Democrats or unions. He blames the students, actually the minority students.

Rhino-itall said...

Hmmmmm.....people who come here illegaly to escape abject poverty and no education, with no language skills and no motivation to assimilate are dragging down test scores?

You must be one of those nazi biggots I keep hearing about!

Donkeyhue said...

Next time I will post in crayon for you.

The dem party is dominated by liberals.

The US has a liberal education system.

The teachers union controls the democratic party.

You following me camera guy?

So once again, I will reiterate.... liberalism, the democratic party, and teachers unions are failing/have failed our children.

Rhino-itall said...

In addition to what the donkey just said...

Open Borders -- Liberal position

Open Borders -- Union Position

samw said...

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that we don’t have as many vocational programs as the other countries we were competing against on this test. For some reason our teachers unions think EVERYONE should go to college.

Instead we outsource our factory jobs to countries with bad readers.
What if we sent our bad readers to trade school like they did in the old days and they graduated with a viable career?
Then only our academically gifted students would be taking that test and well I wonder if our ranking would be different?
I think this has to do more with not admitting to ourselves that skilled trades are important education too.
And whether or not Julio goes to trade school in El Salvador and works in a factory and pays taxes there or if he goes to trade school and works in a factory and pays taxes in the US really isn’t the issue.
Properly directed education will boost the industry and the economy of either nation.

Rhino-itall said...

I thought Julio was Mexican?

But I digress......

I think we are all in agreement then...Donkey is a nazi biggot.

Donkeyhue said...

The world needs ditch diggers too Danny.

samw said...

The US needs a middle class. middle class workers with middle class skilled trade jobs

Rhino-itall said...

You can't have trade jobs without trade.

Everyone likes to blame greedy corporations for outsourcing but it only makes sense. Eliminate the barriers to doing business and you would have the demand for those jobs. Get rid of the minimum wage and you would have more apprentice type jobs. Don't allow the unions to drive up the cost of doing business and you would have more of those jobs.

It's not that difficult to figure out what the problems are or how to solve them. It's difficult to implement them.

Donkeyhue said...

Its not that we dont have a middle class, its that we dont have a middle that behaves as if theyre middle class. College educations, two car garages, flat screen tvs, and two hundred dollar sneakers are not a constitutional right.

samw said...

The pursuit of happiness is a constituional right.
And fact is the unions quit working for the people. They collected dues and inflated the cost of labor not for the worker but for themselves. They quit doing fair business and it became so one sided the jobs left.

The unions were brought on because it was too one sided the other way to start. We don't need to do away with minimum wage, We dont need to go all the way back to the sweatshops. We need to get the corruption out.
and if I can afford $200.00 for sneakers for my kid or a monogrammed dog coat then what's it to you?

Donkeyhue said...

If you can afford those things it is nothing to me, but if you buy those things and start missing credit card payments, default on your mortage, cant pay a doctors bill, or feed your family it is everything to me. I did not support TARP and the bailouts of failing companies and I do not support the bailout of failed individuals either.

There is no accountability in our school systems now because of the power the teachers union holds, and as you mention that is true for any industry unions hold sway. Bad teachers continue to teach and bad students continue to advance.

If youre a bad teacher or bad student in China, then guess what...youre working the coal mines, hope you aint allergic to the black lung pop.

anita said...
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anita said...
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