Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Let The Aurora Be Clear

After eight years (and counting) of whining about Bush, in two years of power controlling the White House and with an overwhelming majority in Congress, the Democrats have already validated President George W. Bush's foreign policy regarding Iraq/Afghanistan, and are on the verge of ratifying his single defining domestic policy.

Youre welcome.


gary said...

Why is it anyway that when the Democrats are in a majority, even a super-majority they can't get anything done, and the Republicans, even in the minority can stop anything from being done? Why can't the Dems just let the tax cuts expire? They still have a majority in the Housel and a super-majority in the Senate through the end of the year. The Bush tax cuts will expire this year, before the new Congress, and yet the Dems can't even just let them expire. I wish the Democrats were more like the Republicans in one way and one way one: I wish they were ruthless motherfuckers with balls of steel. I wish Obama were half the radical socialist the Republicans imagine him to be.

I would switch to the Republican Party in a minute, if only they weren't crazy and evil.

Donkeyhue said...

Because they are wrong. Its as simple as that.

Rhino-itall said...

Best thing Obama could have done for himself and the country. I put it in that order because that's the order I believe he's thinking in. For Obama it's a win win.

1. If the economy doesn't improve he can blame the republicans for not letting him raise taxes.

2. If the economy does improve he can take credit for it by pointing to something that he's done, like the omnibus spending bill that finaced turtle poop experimentation or whatever.

If he had gone the other way he KNOWS it would have been devastating to the economy. He would have done it anyway if this was his second term but he wants to get back to the whitehouse and he just made a big move towards that end.

Politically it was actually pretty savvy in my opinion.

anita said...

the dems won't let them expire because so many of them have been bought off by the same people who have bought off the republicans.

there are many democratic representatives and senators that should be booted (mary landreiu - sp? - i'm talking to you, among others).