Thursday, December 23, 2010

John Lott's Website

I would think he could have come up with a more creative name for his blog, but putting that aside for a moment this is a great illustration of how unfair the current tax system is.

Although I do believe that a flat tax is the only fair tax, the thing that bothers me the most is not that I have to pay a higher percentage of my income than the next guy. What really bothers me is that it's mostly wasted. I'm being forced to give all this money to the federal government and it's not going to the poor (as Ann Coulter points out) it's going to lazy federal employees who get a billion days vacation time and sick leave and then retire at age 55 with a fat pension and free healthcare forever.


gary said...

Still whining. Oh, the poor rich people.

Rhino-itall said...

That's it? That's you're rebuttal.

gary said...

Why tax rich people? 1) That's where the money is. 2) They can afford it. 3) Rich people prospered under far higher top tax rates than we have today.

samw said...

I think you might have more money than I do. So I think its ok for me to just take some. You know because you afford it. You have no choice in the matter. You probably have a better TV than I have so I'll take that too because you have and I dont. No problem there. I hope you dont whine about it.
Its not theft because I didnt forcibly enter your house to take it. But even if I did. You have more than I do so I should just take some.

Donkeyhue said...

It comforts me that we have smart people like Lott and Mankiw on our side, while the left has it takes a village idjits Krugman and Reich.

Rhino-itall said...

And we have Samw!....most of the time...

Rhino-itall said...

Yes some rich people prospered under much higher rates but they didn't prosper BECAUSE OF higher rates. They prospered IN SPITE OF higher rates.

More importantly, MORE PEOPLE prospered under lower rates and the opportunities are more abundant when there's less taxes and less regulation and less government in general.

The uber wealthy will ALWAYS prosper no matter what, but those of us who are trying to join them have a much better chance if the government isn't working against us.

gary said...

Merry Christmas! Santa Clause is clearly a conservative as he gives more to rich kids than poor kids.

Donkeyhue said...

I know you like to believe in fairy tales like global warming, but Santa Claus isnt real.

gary said...

Yes, quite right, odd that the National Academy of Sciences doesn't accept the Santa Claus Hypothesis.