Saturday, December 11, 2010

"It’s time for the black vote to be competitive again.”

I couldn't agree more. I still don't understand why black people allow their vote to be taken for granted.

Hopefully THIS is just the start of more to come.


gary said...

Well two black republicans. What does that make, maybe six? The Republican Party was the party of Lincoln, while for decades southern democrats supported segregation. How bad did Republicans have to screw up to lose the black vote in the first place?

Rhino-itall said...

I don't know but it must have been pretty bad since blacks voted overwhelmingly for the son of a senator who tried to filibuster against the civil rights act.

I actually can't think of anything the republicans did as bad as that. The deems have always been and still are the party of racism. Hopefully black people are starting to realize it.