Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Hostage Takers

Obama's saying the republicans held him hostage? For 2 years the dems have had COMPLETE CONTROL over congress and the whitehouse. Now they say they want to raise taxes on the wealthy but they can't........ well actually they can and they could have at any point since Obama was elected.

They didn't. He didn't. And to my knowledge it was never even proposed.

Now they want to blame the republicans?

Well at least he's not blaming Bush....yet


anita said...

since you do not read the new york times, i will inform you of the genesis of the "hostage" comments.

the comments were meant to be cynical. frank rich in his sunday piece referred to obama has have 'stockholm syndrome' ... as a result of being "held hostage" by the republicans. obama was making a fool of rich in these comments.

get it now?

you're welcome.

Rhino-itall said...

Actually I thought the context was the Bob Menendez comments.

And who reads Frank Rich anyway?

Isn't he still reviewing broadway shows? Next thing you're going to tell me is they took a comedian from ESPN and are trying to tell us he's a serious anchorman...oh wait...

gary said...

The Democrats should have abolished the damn filibuster and then passed all their legislation. Obama theoretically has 60 Democrats in the Senate (counting Bernie Sanders) but not all of the Democrats are Democrats.

Donkeyhue said...

Anita, if you watched that live and think he was making some sly machiavellian dig you are out yo damn mind. He was trowing bombs and being a partisan hack, because he had to pass the blame for yet another broken campaign promise.

I really liked Chuck Todd's question which went something like this.

"You are awesome, obstructionist republicans but you are awesome obstructionist republicans how can you be so awesome obstructionist republicans"