Thursday, November 04, 2010

Wreaking "Devastation"

The most interesting thing about this republican blowout is something that I honestly never considered... gerrymandering.

Obviously we all got wrapped up in the inevitable power shift in the house and some (i admit too) even had visions of taking control of the senate. Now I consider myself to be a pretty astute political observer but for some reason I really never even thought about the state elections and the ramifications of the GOP taking local control. Maybe because I live in NY and Albany is so F'd up that no matter who is in power it really doesn't make any difference at all, or maybe it's just because I'm not that smart..... nah I'm a freaking genius!

Anyway, I think the biggest story of this election just might be the state houses and how much control the republican party now has locally. I've always considered gerrymandering to be dirty pool and still do but two things come to mind.

1. It's not a new thing. This is how local government has worked forever.

2. Elections have consequences and this is one of them.

If the GOP doesn't completely go off the rails (could happen. It has before) then THIS could spell doom for the Dems again in 2012.


Donkeyhue said...

For once it seems the GOP are going to go on offense and I hope so, theyve been on defense for so long I cant underestimate their ability to squander this golden opportunity, but for the moment Im just going to enjoy this historic beatdown.

Rhino-itall said...

Mark Levin made some very good points last night about how the GOP is broken and if not for the Tea Party getting out the vote and pushing primary candidates we would have been looking at guys like Crist and Castle. Plus they didn't support Rubio till the end, they never stopped supporting Murkowski, they spent a ton of money on Fiorina when she was way behind putting Colorado, Washington, and Alaska on the back burner.

Not good for the future if they don't smarten up. They're not supporting conservatives. Don't forget they even backed Specter over Toomey.

I still think Steele has to go and I would love to see a guy like Santorum in his spot.

Donkeyhue said...

Good point. There are many victories in this, but perhaps the greatest is the tea party establishing true conservatism within the ranks of the GOP, as opposed to the GOP dictating what conservatism is. Big wins all around.

Getlive said...

We'll see if these mutts do what they were elected to do. I'm sick of all the bullshit. Stand by the fucking principles you ran on and the sooner we get back on track in this country. Accountability is paramount.