Friday, November 19, 2010

The Truth About AGW

We of course already know the truth. Only uninformed or stupid people still believe that man is causing the earth's temperature to rise. That being said however, it's still rare to hear the people who are pushing these lies admit to it.



gary said...

Despite your screen name, you do not know it all. It is within the realm of possibility that you are right and the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society, and 95% of the world's climate scientists are wrong and you are right. It is MUCH more likely the other way around and you are WRONG.

Rhino-itall said...

once again it is clear that gary did NOT read the story that I linked to. That being said however i will respond thusly....

it is MUCH more likely that the people who were supplying the data for the organizations that you mention were LYING since know....they've been CAUGHT LYING.

So following actual logic and reason, and KNOWING that the information these organizations were using to make their conclusions was fabricated it is MUCH more likely that I do actually know it all...or at least I know more than you.

gary said...

I assume you are referring to the discredited ClimateGate stories, and we have wasted enough time on that story already. It was clear at the time,to anyone who actually looked at the emails, and subsequent investigations have shown,that there was no "there" there.

You are left with the argument that the overwhelming scientific consensus, above 95% by most studies, is some sort of nefarious plot. Sad.

Rhino-itall said...

Yes the people who lied investigated themselves and found there was no wrong doing.

That's why you agree that waterboarding is NOT torture. The Bush administration did it's investigation and said there was no wrong doing.

The Warren commission did their investigation and Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter.

I know you don't believe the last 2 but for some reason you believe the first one.

You're correct on 1 thing though. I have wasted enough time with you on this subject. Read the link or don't. I don't care. You're simply not worth my time.

Donkeyhue said...

The UN is the greatest criminal organization in history.

gary said...

I doubt that this will penetrate your fact-free zone but FWIW:

Donkeyhue said...

What part of your argument has been proven as fraudulent dont you get. Your side lied, got caught, the debate is over. There will be no sweeping enviromental legislation, we won.

Donkeyhue said...

.... and as a bonus, the earth will survive.

gary said...

Proving once again that today's Right is moronic.

Donkeyhue said...

Well, todays moronic right just gave the left a historic shellacking not seen in seventy years and have effectively discredited and marginalized the global warming ruse so dear to you into a subject matter only left wing tin foil hat wearing nut jobs still carry on about. Its over. Let it go, move on.

Not gonna saying that liberalism is dead, but its dying.

How that make you feel?

gary said...

Yes, you're right,no one believes in AGW except leftwingers in tin foil hats. And the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society, the equivalent scientific bodies in every other nation, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union and 97% of the world's climate scientists, You know, the usual nuts.

Sarcasm aside, only rightwing nuts question the now overwhelming evidence. Unfortunately those nuts have taken over one of our political parties.

Donkeyhue said...

You keep citing organizations that have been exposed for having used data that was fraudulent. Either willing or unknowing they are not credible and reasonable people get this. If they were so smart and so right they wouldnt have had to lie about the numbers, stifle disenting opinion, and change the name of global warming every other week to make their case.

It was the same spiel in the 70s with global warming. Thankfully Al Gore et al are wrong again and its only a matter of ti e before once again being exposed as charlatans. Luckily, the good guys won round one so the left wont do too much damage in the mean time.

Donkeyhue said...

70s global cooling rather. Too many liberals scams to keep track of....