Friday, November 19, 2010

Teach A Man How To Collect A Paycheck For Not Fishing...

On Morning Joe, Biden just stated that unemployment benefits are the biggest stimulus to the economy. Im not whacking him for a gaffe, because thats how liberals actually think. They dont comprehend productivity, only the robbery and the destructive redistribution of wealth.


Rhino-itall said...

So very very sad.

gary said...

Almost every dime in unemployment benefits is immediatly spent, which undeniably stimulates the economy. You will have to argue against benefits on other grounds.

Donkeyhue said...

Im not sure who's the bigger moron, you or Biden.

According to that logic, unemployment is good (shocker coming from a slacker) and in fact if we really really really wanted to super serious stimulate the economy, all we need to do is fire the entire workforce of America.

Use your head for once.

gary said...

There you go again using words you don't understand, in this case "logic".

Donkeyhue said...

...and the silver medal goes to Joe Biden.