Monday, November 22, 2010

Sarah Palin Is Smarter Than...

Sarah Palin was loudly refudiated for correctly warning of "death panels" in Obamacare. The left denied any such idea was on the table. As a result, anything remotely resembling "end of life counseling" was removed from the bill.

Score one for Sarahcuda.

Recently, nobel prize winning economist, tenured Princeton professor, and newyorktimes columnist Paul Krugman suggested a value added tax and "death panels" as a means of solving the debt crisis.

Score two for Mama Grizzly.

In conclusion, Sarah Palin is smarter than Paul Krugman.


gary said...

The death panel claim was a lie. Period. Nonetheless it was a lie widely believed in the brain-dead Right, despite any supporting evidence.

Not only is Sarah Palin not smarter than Paul Krugman, she's not even smarter than me, and I'm not as smart as Paul Krugman.

Donkeyhue said...

You dont pay attention to politics very much do you?

gary said...

Actually yes I do but I don't believe lies.

Donkeyhue said...

You obviously dont, or youre not very smart.

Just because you dont like the name "death panels " doesnt mean liberals didnt and dont want them.

Liberals wanted end of life rationing, Sarah made a stink, and they removed the wording. She won round one.

Now time has passed and you have libs like Krugman and Berwick saying maybe death panels are a good idea after all.

Is Krugman lying? Is Berwick lying? Or was Palin just making shit up and its pure coincidence. She was right again, and her opinion polls better than yours so you call her a liar liar pants on fire like fucking children.

So try and pay attention.

...and if youre going to go google, Berwick is Donald Berwick, the recess appointment CMS Administrator, who also is a big fan of death panels. Big fan.

Palin is smarter than him too.

gary said...

Nothing you said is true but I know any attempts to reason with you are futile. There never were any death panels in the bill.

Donkeyhue said...

Explain exactly how what I said is untrue. Or be gone. Again. For the 100th time. I stated facts, your rebuttal is Palin is a liar.

Youre not a very good troll.

gary said...

OK, to be exact: there was never a provision for anything resembling "death panels" in the bill. Of course terminal patients should discuss living wills, extraordinary care, DNRs and so on toward the end of their lives. Krugman was pointing out that the death panel claim is in conflict with the claims that Obamacare will not save money, as death panels presumably would.

But let me ask one question that will determine if you are a total idiot: would you under any circumstances vote for Palin for President?

Donkeyhue said...

It has been my experience that whatever liberals accuse you of, is what they are most guilty of. In this case, lying. You call Palin a lie, because you yourself are the worst kind of liar, a liar that actually believes your own lies.

Nothing you said in that last comment is remotely close to being factual.

...and on that note, I bid you good day. You bore me. I said good day!

Rhino-itall said...

I would vote for Palin for president if she won the nomination and I didn't like the democratic candidate more. Which of course is pretty likely since I don't agree with most of their policies.

I like her style. She's ballsy and smart.

She's definitely smarter than Krugman. He still believes in Keynesian economics which has been proven wrong repeatedly. If he was smart he would have discovered this and moved on. That's what smart people do. Dumb people continue to try to fit the square peg in the round hole. That is what Krugman is still doing.

This is 2+2 and it will always equal 4. There is no argument against it.

gary said...

Case closed.

Rhino-itall said...

Yes great argument from you gary.

Literally EXACTLY what I expected.

gary said...

I'm sorry but if you think that Sarah Palin is even remotely qualified to be President there is no hope for you. Attractive, yes. Spunky, sure. I just can't take anything you say seriously any more.

Rhino-itall said...

That's it? The "qualified" line/

What would these qualifications be? In your opinion?

Donkeyhue said...

More importantly, what exactly were Obama's qualifications?

I mean besides his community organizing, hundreds of present votes in the Illinois senate, two years of absence from the US Senate, and teleprompter enhanced speaking voice?

Hillary was right, the presidency is no place for on the job training. Besides being elected President, he has accomplished nothing in his life. Hell, the "smartest" President ever evar still wont release his grades. This guy is a joke, and on his way becoming the worst President in history. You know its bad when true believers lzike Soros and Moore start turning on you.

gary said...

Obama's light qualifications were my largest reservation actually. You can make a case that he wasn't qualified. But clearly Palin isn't.

Rhino-itall said...

once again what would these qualifications be?