Friday, November 05, 2010

No Irish Need Apply

The last time we welcomed a new contributor to our blog, the site was flooded with pictures of suspicious packages, and not of the Yemeni variety, (although Rhino might say, of the Yummy variety), but that being said we are making an open offer to Keith Olbermann to rest his hat here at The Aurora. No one has brought us more laughter throughout the years and its the least we can do for the assclown in return.


Rhino-itall said...

This has to be a ploy for them to dump him because he sucks. I think the new people at the top at NBC must have sent the word down that his brand of ridiculousness belongs on comedy central not masquerading as a serious news program.
Think about the fact that the new guy maddow was getting the same ratings as him almost from the start and still does.
Obviously they're just getting the few people who would watch that channel no matter what left wing hack was there....although that doesn't explain the crappy ratings by that Matthews gets for softball......?

Rhino-itall said...

Btw. Shouldn't meadow be hosting a show called softball?

Donkeyhue said...

I was watching Tucker Carlson's brother Rachel Maddow's rebuttal last night and I was stricken by just how stupid liberals are. Id imagine that every lefty watching thought she hit it out of the park but that goes to show that liberal stupidity isnt exclusive to the elites. Her point was, yes Keith broke the rules but FOX News does it too. Pathetic.

Pathetic and untrue.

Maddow et al are now trying to play the "were just opinionators game" just like Stewart falls back on the "well my show follows talking puppets" schtick. Anyone that has watched both channels undersytands that FOX tries to seperate news from the opinion and why you wont ever see OReilly Hannity or Beck moderating a debate, whereas up until this incident MSNBC consider all their anchors journalists. Its a joke, much like their ratings.

I personally think everyone in the media should not only be allowed to make political contributions, it should be mandatory, fuck it, put the cards on the table for all to see. Does anyone really think there is an ounce of difference between Olbermann and Brian Williams or Katie Couric?

I imagine Keith will be back on MSNBC shortly, but it doesnt matter, his suspension is temporary damage control from the inevitable final nail in the coffin of the liberal media. No one trusts them, even less watch them. The gig is up. Long live the internets.

Getlive said...

I actually try to watch some of these libs on their programs. I just can't see how any one with a serious opinion can even take them seriously. I truly believe they just choose the opposite side of conservatism just because it's the other side and try to run with it. I mean, some one has to do it.