Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Loony Left

Rhino and I have made the point over and over again throughout the years that because liberalism in practice has always failed, the left must be the anti-party. You'd be hard pressed to find a more hate filled and negative group than liberals. Case in point, everything they opposed under Bush that they now endorse and support. The wars, gitmo, bailouts, wiretapping to name just a few.

Our point was always, they werent really against all those things, they were just against Bush.

Well, theyve topped themselves this time with their maniacal hatred.

Before I continue, I want to point out that I once broke up with a woman for using my phone to vote for American Idol. I say that, to make clear just how not a reality tv guy I am.

I am watching the season finale of Dancing With The Stars right now.

Why??? Because the left have lost their god damn minds. Im farting around the internets, Facebook, Twitter and the such and am absolutely amazed at the raw hatred being directed at Bristol Palin. For fucks sake people, have you lost your damn minds???? Go ahead google Bristol Palin Dancing With Stars and see for yourself.

This is what liberals do. They hate. Over stupid things, because they are stupid people.

note: Bristol Palin just finished in 3rd Place, and Keith Olbermann had an orgasm.


Rhino-itall said...

Wow I just googled it. These people are insane.

I'm not shocked of course becaue you have to be insane to continue to read the NY Times op-ed pages and not mistake it for the comics but still......

gary said...

I knew Bristol was on Dancing with the Stars, a show I've never seen. Apparently some people think she got as far as she did because of her celebrity status. I don't know and don't care.

Rhino-itall said...

Isn't that what the show is? Celebrities dancing?

Again I have never seen the show but if i'm correct it is called dancing with the STARS. Celebrity status would be a pretty big factor I would think in who gets further.

gary said...

I guess. You know more about the show than I do.