Sunday, November 14, 2010


Mike Pence could be our next president. He's not one of the front runners right now but keep your eye on him....

I know it's early and this will seem like hyperbole but Marco Rubio reminds me of Ronald Reagan.... I'm being dead serious. He's a true conservative and has the courage of his convictions....

Dan Persa (QB Northwestern) reminds me of Superbowl Champion QB Drew Brees....

Has anyone heard anything about Haiti lately? I have and it's WORSE! I think I said this in a post right after the earth quake but this time I'm serious.... We should take that country over. It could be a territory like Puerto Rico or Guam.....

NFL Matchup on ESPN is the best football show on T.V. They should make it a full hour...

Manny Pacquiao is on HGH... No I haven't tested his blood but neither has anyone else and he could make over 20 million dollars to fight Floyd Mayweather if he was willing to be tested. You do the math...

Bullying is the biggest issue in schools right now...Why? Didn't we learn this lesson from the Brady Bunch? She sells sea shells by the sea shore......

Pelosi says they didn't lose because of her....she's right. They lost because of their ideology. As the president said he got 90% of his agenda through... and that was their downfall. The American people now know what that agenda is and how it works and they have rejected it. I hope the democrats have learned their I don't think they did either.....

1 comment:

Donkeyhue said...

...and on a side, Im going to pull my cock out on principle next time I go through airport security.