Sunday, October 24, 2010

When Is Something You Already Know News?

Just because the media didn't report it, doesn't mean wmd's weren't found. The Aurora clearly demonstrated Saddams violation of numerous UN Resolutions regarding weapons of mass destruction years ago. In other words, once again we were right, liberals were wrong.

"An initial glance at the WikiLeaks war logs doesn’t reveal evidence of some massive WMD program by the Saddam Hussein regime — the Bush administration’s most (in)famous rationale for invading Iraq. But chemical weapons, especially, did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.
In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …
Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later, “the rounds tested positive for mustard.” link

Obviously, upon further review of the evidence we once again applaud former President Bush, The United States Congress, and the United Nations for realizing the need to remove Saddam and dismantle the threat of his weapons programs as well as punish him for the clear violations of UN Resolutions. We would also like to thank President Obama for having the courage to go against his very own campaign rhetoric as the "anti-war" candidate, and that of his liberal brethren to continue the successful policies of Pres. George W. Bush in Iraq, despite wrongly criticising him every step of the way. Its not easy to admit you were wrong, and even harder to do the right thing.


gary said...

"Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in. ..." Saddam Hussein did not have a program of developing weapons of mass destruction. He had a program of destroying WMDs. Yes we know he had WMDs before the first Gulf War. And we know he ordered the destruction of the WMDs after the first Gulf War. And we know, from captured documents, that he was afraid that a few stray weapons may have escaped destruction. Now a few of these "remnants" have been found, a few old mustard gas shells, WWWI technology, and it is not at all clear that Saddam even knew of their existence, since he had ordered them destroyed. Also, of course, a few mustard gas artillery shells were hardly a threat to the U.S. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

And of course you do not link to the story of the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying that the war was based on lies, which it was.

Donkeyhue said...