Sunday, October 03, 2010

I Was Against It Before I Was Silently Complicit

It could be argued that the issue of "torture" with "waterboarding" being the hot word was the culmination of eight years of liberal moral outrage in their vitriolic opposition to the policies of President George W. Bush. By and large how you felt about this was strictly divided on partisan lines, if you supported the foreign policy of Bush and his "war on terror" you supported the necessary evil of torture, if you opposed said policies you were against any and all forms of torture on the moral ground that's its not nice to spill water on terrorists.

I'm not here to rehash that argument, what I would like to know is where are all the high ground living lefties on the issue of President Obama's policy of assassinating American citizens without due process. Now I'm sure theres a couple fringe left blogs out there harping on this, but they are not relevant so they don't matter. What I'd like to know is where's the ad nauseum nightly coverage on the network news, The NY Times editorials, the weekly marches and protests?

That's a rhetorical question, because they don't exist, there is no outrage because its not Bush doing it.



gary said...

You have a point. This has been covered at Salon and Huffington Post but it deserves more attention. Bush layed the ground work with the claim that he could imprison citizens without any due process. Now, if a citizen is fighting against our troops on the battle ground then it is legitimate to use force against him, but an assassination program is another matter, and deserves the most serious consideration and media coverage.

Interesting that you support the "necessary evil of torture" after years of saying that the US is not torturing people. I continute to oppose all torture in all forms.

Rhino-itall said...

Waterboarding is not torture according to The Aurora and the justice department experts who wrote the opinions for the Bush administration. However we at The Aurora do support the torture of any enemies who think it's ok to cut someones head off with a rusty butter knife and broadcast it on the internet. Other qualifiers would be if you're the mastermind behind the 9/11 attack on the world trade center, or if you believe in Jihad in general.

Basically everyone at GITMO qualifies as far as we're concerned and waterboarding is NOT enough.

However on the subject of detaining American citizens without a trial, or obviously KILLING American citizens without a trial.. whether they deserve it or not... we are against it.

Donkeyhue said...

Lol, you never disappoint Gary. "Bush laid the groundwork"... You just cant help yourself. Pathetic. The last nine years of your life has been a lie, I can see why you would want to hold on to the only thing that defines you as a person.... blaming Bush.

gary said...

Jose Padilla is an America citizen. I don't remember you criticizing Bush for holding him without trial and defending that i court.

If waterboarding isn't torture then what "necessary evil of torture" during the Bush administration were you referring to? Would you agree at least that waterboarding is illegal? If not then may I assume that you are OK with our soldiers being waterboarded in future conflicts.

The legal definition of torture is inflicting severe mental or physical pain or suffering. I think waterboarding qualifies. Even if it did not, it would still constitute cruel or inhuman or degrading treatment, also illegal.

But then you think we should torture alleged terrorists, even though that would clearly be illegal (not to mention immoral). Disgusting.

America doesn't torture (or shouldn't).

Donkeyhue said...

Gary dont try to change the subject. The Rhino made our position on this issue perfectly clear.

We didnt criticize Bush for Padilla, because we agreed with his classification as an enemy combatant.

This post was about those on the left on the network news and nytimes editorials etc that wouldnt shup up about their opposition to said tactics and now are silently complicit in state sanctioned assassinations of American citizens. I mean logic would dictate if you opposed Jose Padilla being imprisoned for 3.5 years, youd be REALLY pissed that Obama has authorized the murder of the Jose Padillas of the world. But you arent, and Katie Couric isnt, and Brian Williams isnt, and Chris Matthews isnt and the NY Times isnt etc etcetera and it is for one reason only.

You are all frauds.

gary said...

"on the subject of detaining American citizens without a trial, or obviously KILLING American citizens without a trial.. whether they deserve it or not... we are against it."

Unless their name is Jose Padilla?? And why do you oppose the murder of the Jose Padillas of the world if they are enemy combatants?

Rhino-itall said...

Actually, we DID criticize Bush on Padilla. I remember writing a post on it at the time.

While I agree that he was an enemy combatant he is still a citizen and therefore entitled to his rights under the constitution.

That being said I don't see how that means Bush "shredded the constitution and bill of rights"