Saturday, October 30, 2010

For Halloween I Give You...

GHOULSBEE..... I think that's how he spells it.


anita said...

i had an economics professor one time who really drove home the need not be swayed by charts and graphs because statistics, he consistently reminded us, could be manipulated in any number of ways for reasons simple (like just being a lazy journalist) or reasons smart (reconfiguring facts and figures to suit one's point of view and manipulate).

i'm not going to express any political opinion here or make any political comments pro or con. but i will say this was very interesting presentation and thank you for posting it. i'm always up for hearing both sides (or one of many sides) of any story.

i won't bring my own ideological tendencies here because in doing so the auroran response is, consistently, to be mean and yell and call people names. i'm no longer up to that.

nontheless, good post d-hue.

anita said...

ooops. sorry. i meant rhino. not d-hue.

Rhino-itall said...

This guy is awesome. I read his blog regularly now.

FYI... I don't recall any name calling towards you. Yes i repeatedly say that gary is stupid but I believe that's actually true.

If I've ever called you any names I apologize.

anita said...

you know, even the economist nouriel roubini (the guy they call Dr. Doom because the supposedly predicted the market crash) is now warning that we simply cannot expect to spend our way out of this crisis. i'm no longer convinced that keynsian economics is going to get us out of this mess.

it's scary indeed. but far from convinced that people like sarah palin and glenn beck have the answers either. they've got plenty of rhetoric. but they are short on answers.

Rhino-itall said...

Actually I think Palin and Beck do have the answers and it's not because I think either one of them is a super genius.

If you look at what they are actually proposing, it's nothing new. They aren't reinventing the wheel, they're just rolling it down the road. There are holes in every theory and nothing is perfect but history has shown that lower taxes and less regulation leads to increased tax revenue, more jobs, and more opportunity.

The problem with the way Obama and co. are doing things is that it has NEVER worked and no matter how intelligent they think they are (and may in fact be) it NEVER will.

Smart people (like yourself) look at the evidence and realize this. They are intelligent but not smart.

Donkeyhue said...

Thinking bout me eh? Well, I missed you too.

anita said...

i propose that somebody reinvent the wheel. that's the only way out of this mess.

yeah, thinkin' 'bout you donkeyhue. what else is there to think about?
