Wednesday, October 06, 2010

The Constitution Isnt Cheese, So Dont Shred It

Don't accuse The Aurora of not giving credit where its due, and this post will do exactly that addressing one of few campaign promises that President Obama has kept.

I remember watching the democratic debates, and thinking to myself, well besides that Pawkistawn is to Obama, what Jenga is Kawn was to John Kerry, I said self, did candidate Obama just announce that as Commander in Chief, he was not only prepared to invade Pakistan, he was planning on it?

His rivals were quick to pounce; with Biden, Dodd, and Clinton all condemning his diplomatic faux pas and foreign policy naivete.

But I gotta give Obama credit, he stuck to his guns saying that Afghanistan was the good war, and that Pakistan would be the next war. Well, as President this is one area where his actions have actually lived up to his campaign rhetoric. He has not only authorized a Bush inspired troop surge of 30,000 into Afghanistan, and implemented an American citizen assassination program (nice pacifist touch...very impressive), but he has kept his word about Pakistan and has pursued an aggressive drone war within their borders.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, I'm no expert on war (despite being called a warmonger, however if you wanna talk fish or whores I'm your guy), but wouldn't military attacks within another nation's borders be considered an act of war?

And wouldn't an act of war require a declaration of war?

And doesn't the US Constitution instruct us that a declaration of war requires the approval of Congress?

I realize that the last time a democrat was President, he went ahead and started bombing Bosnia without aforementioned Congressional approval, but Ill cut him some slack on that one, he did have a sex scandal to distract from after all.

So let's look at the next guy, Bush.

He too was called a warmonger, and worse a cowboy. Go Giants!!! We were told constantly that he rushed us to war. Well time is relative. "To create the olive, king of all trees, a hundred years is required. An onion is old is nine weeks - Og Mandino" But we do know this. President Bush asked for and received the approval of the United States Congress, not only that, going above and beyond, he asked for and received overwhelming approval from the United Nations.

In short, Bush followed the US Constitution to the letter of law before sending a single troop overseas.

Now, I understand why we are conducting military strikes in Pakistan, and agree with said strategy 100%, what I don't understand is the clear violation of the Fifth Amendment (or as Chappelle calls it....The Fif) regarding the execution of American citizens as well as ignoring Article 1 Section 8 authorizing Congress and Congress alone to declare war, as we constantly breach Pakistani borders.

If this was too long and you didn't read, I will summarize.....

Obama is a Constitution SHREDDER!!!

... and the rank and file liberal as well as the media elite wont say shit about it.


gary said...

I think Congress has been to quick in recent decades in terms of relinquishing their power to declare war. Nonethless, I do not think a formal Declaration of War is required. The Authorization for Use of Military Force, which i just re-read would seem to provide authority for going after al Qaeda in Pakistan.

Donkeyhue said...

Im shocked! Shocked, I tell ya. You have been our most loyal troll, and have been spewing the same pusillanimous anti-war bullshit for the past six years. If there was anyone, anyone at all that I knew would be outraged, I was certain it would be Gary. A man of the highest moral authority who is steadfast in his pacifistic philosophy. That you would now make excuses for war has caught me of guard and has shaken the very foundation of my interpretation of what is right or wrong, up or down, black or white.

Just kidding, Ive been calling you a fraud for five years, knowing full well that your pacifism was a matter of political convienence and more to with your hatred for Bush as opposed to genuine concern or ideology. Youre entire existence is a lie, Im almost starting to feel bad for you.

gary said...

I am not now nor have I ever been a pacifist. I supported the war in Afghanistan and have said so in this space. I opposed the war in Iraq.

Donkeyhue said...

We know youre not a pacifist, you are fraud.

But dont worry, you are not alone. When Bush was in office, there were anti-war protests every weekend in NYC, there has been once since Obama took office.

Rhino-itall said...

Also I remember the pictures of the coffins every week in the newspapers and the images on the nightly news. Even though the families of the fallen soldiers were completely against it. The excuse from the NY Times and ABC etal was that it was news and it had to be done.

Either it's suddenly NOT news, or nobody is dying anymore now that we have a democrat in the Whitehouse.

Not that there's any bias in the media or anything.
