Friday, October 08, 2010

And So it Begins...

If you live in NY and you are a food stamp or welfare recipient the state wants to ban sugary drinks (soda) from the list of items you can purchase with the tax payer money. Obviously most people on food stamps have very low income or even NO income so the natural assumption is that they're also getting free healthcare from the government. On the surface you might say this is not such a bad thing. It's wasted calories, (I don't drink soda unless there's Jack Daniels in it) VERY bad for your teeth, and contributes to all kinds of other health issues. I would agree.....but here's the rub.

Pretty soon, if Obama gets his way, most of us if not all of us will be FORCED to accept government health insurance. Yes I know Obama said if you like you're current insurance you can keep it but we're already seeing that it's not possible and they've given 1 year waivers to at least 30 companies so that they don't have to comply with Obamacare. What happens whent that 1 year is up and we AREN'T in and election year? Well of course your employer will be forced to drop your insurance plan and you will be FORCED to accept Obamacare.

Well then what's to stop them from telling you what you can and can't consume? What choice will you have?

Medicare for all? No thanks, I'd like to keep my liberty instead.

Obamacare MUST be repealed.


gary said...

Don't know about NY but in CA I can say that when I was unemployed I did not have healthcare. And now that I am employed I do not have healthcare. However, if I lived in any other major industrialized nation I would.

Rhino-itall said...

1. You can move

2. You can apply for Medicaid or Medicare or whatever

3. Typing on the iPad sucks

But I digress. Once again Gary you're wrong. You do have healthcare, you don't have health insurance.

You don't have health insurance because the regulations say that insurance companies can't offer you a policy that makes sense for you and of course you can't buy a policy from a company in montana etc. Etc.......

If the free market was allowed to work you would have insurance. But you keep voting for socialized medicine because you have the dependency mentality. You believe government is supposed to take care of you, whereas myself and donkey and getlive believe in taking care of ourselves.

I find your dependency repulsive. You are the antithesis of the American spirit.

Donkeyhue said...


gary said...

1. I could emigrate to Canada I suppose but I have ties here.

2.I didn't qualify for Medicaid when I was unemployed so I know I don't qualify now.

3.Universal healthcare is possible and at HALF the price per capita we pay now. We know this is true because every other industrialized country manages to do it.

4. I find you repulsive but it has nothing to do with politics although I do think your repulsive qualities influence your politics, so maybe it does.

5. It's great that if I have a heart attack on the street I will be treated at an emergency room. But what about continuting treatment for people with heart disease, or diabetes or cancer?

Rhino-itall said...

You have ties here? Those ties are more important than your health?

I think you should go. It's a big risk you're taking.

I could waste more time with the rest of your comment but you're not smart enough to understand anyway, and once again you missed the entire point of the post, or you know it was irrefutable so decided to try to change the discussion

You would be happy to give your liberty for security, you are not alone. There are many weak scared littled people in this country but it is truly repulsive to me.

I won't block you from commenting but would prefer if you would never return to the aurora. Seriously you make me sick.

gary said...

We disagree. I think you're wrong, you think I'm wrong. There are serious and reasonable people on both sides of this, and other issues. But you are not among them. You always reach for the gutter, resorting to personal insult and attack. I should move to Canada because the richest country in the world can't afford universal healthcare, when every other industrialized country can? Screw you, I love this country and I'm going to stay here and try to make it better. But I'm going to take your advice and leave The Aurora. I've learned a lot about today's so-called Conservatives here. I respect honest and principled conservatives, even if I disagree with them, but there aren't any here and there aren't any in the Republican Party of today, or in the Tea Party movement.

I saw William F. Buckley debate Noam Chomsky once. Reasonable, civilized, intelligent. Both men. Here at the aurora I've found that generally you cannot refute my point, so you don't even try. Our recent "debate" on treaties and the Constitution proved that. Our debates on global warming proved that. Certainly our debates on evolution proved that. You are impervious to fact, science, intellectual argument. You accuse me of getting my opinions from Kos, which I rarely read, but you clearly get yours from what I have come to think of as Wingnuttia. And Wingnuttia may or may not pick up a few seats this November but will never take power in this country. Wingnuttia is intellectually and morally bankrupt. If you had a new idea it would die of boredom.

Clearly you cannot tolerate disagreement. It threatens you.

Donkeyhue said...

Girl, dont go away mad.