Monday, September 13, 2010

"Tax Cuts Increase Revenue....They Have Always Raised Revenue"

By Michael Eden

"....We keep seeing the same liberal argument being played over and over again. As the mainstream media seek to make their case to the American people that the Bush tax cuts should expire, one of the primary strategies being employed is to claim that Republicans are refusing to “pay for” their extension of the tax cuts. And that therefore the Republicans will hike the deficit. The problem is that it’s a false premise"

Full Article


gary said...

Tax cuts stimulate the economy and therefore raise revenue - -but not enough to pay for themselves. Cut the tax rate to zero and obviously renenue would be zero. Raise it to 100% and no one would bother doing anything and revenue would be zero. In between it's a question of find the optimal tax rate. I believe that ending the Bush tax cuts on the top 5% will raise revenue.

Rhino-itall said...

Believe what you want gary but facts are stubborn things.

the piece of that article that resonates the most for me is the part where he talks about behavior changes. At some point it's just not worth it to put any more effort in or take any more time away from your family.

the top salesman in my company already has changed his work habits and management (as it is in a commission based business) has been pushing him to work more because when he's here he's constantly producing but to him it's not worth it.

His actual statement to me was "If I work another 10 hours a month I can probably make an extra 20k per year gross, but after taxes it's just not worth it. I'd rather be home with my kids"

That's a real life example. I'm not making that story up.

I personally haven't reached that tipping point yet but I'm sure I will feel the same way.

Donkeyhue said...

"tax cuts stimulate the economy and therefore raise revenues"

Bout time you finally admitted it.

"but not enough to pay for themselves"

Who the fuck said they should. It is not the govts money, its the taxpayers. The individual should not penalized for the incompetency of the fed.

But Im curious....

Why only the top 5%? That doesnt make sense. You either think tax cuts work or you dont. If they work, then cut them for everyone. If they dont, then no cuts for anyone.

Your argument exposes your flawed logic and moral corruption.

gary said...

The middle class need a tax cut more than the rich. The rich are still rich. You say it's the taxpayers money, well yes but unless you are opposed to taxation altogether I don't see where that argument takes you. Good to see you admit that tax cuts don't stimulate the economy enough to pay for themselves.

Donkeyhue said...

From each according to his ability to each according of his NEED eh comrade?

You disgust me.

...and I didnt say that tax cuts cant or dont pay for themselves, I said that they shouldnt have to. The taxpayer shouldnt be accountable to the fed, the fed should be accountable to the individual taxpayer. The rich are not an ATM for the squandering ways of an out of control fed.

gary said...

The rich are richer than ever before. The middle class is struggling and losing ground. After several rounds of tax cuts that primarily benefited the rich, I don't think advocating a middle-class tax cut is exactly Communism. Moron.

Rhino-itall said...

dude half the country is on the government dole. How much clearer can I put this. I'm the "rich" according to the statistics I quoted in a previous post. I'm not richer than ever. I don't have a ferrari or a yacht. The super wealthy liberal assholes like warren buffet that want to play the class warfare game aren't affected by a tax hike. If you're making millions of dollars a year what's another couple hundred grand in taxes but i'm gonna feel it.

I work 10 plus hours a day to make whatever I have. I have no formal education and came from NOTHING. Why is the federal government taking my hard earned money and giving it to pussy's like you? Get off your ass loser

gary said...

The federal government is taxing both of us to pay for military defense, social security, roads, etc. Are you an anarchist? The revolution was fought over no taxation without representation, not no taxation. I have always worked,except for periods of unemployment due to being layed off, companies closing, etc. No one likes taxes but it seems only the "rich" whine about them.

Donkeyhue said...

And this revolution is being fought over representation with no taxation. The 50% that pay taxes are fed up carrying the load for the other freeloading half. Try as you might to make this into poor vs rich class warfare what you are witnessing is regular folks fed up with wasteful govt spending punishing those that contibute to reward those that dont. What you are witnessing is the rebirth of conservatism (since it died in 08 according to libs...good call on that one jackasses). And that is why libs are so afraid.

gary said...

If it is true that close to half pay no federal income tax (obviously they pay sales and payroll taxes) then they must be poor indeed. I have worked some pretty poor paying jobs in my life, especially in my younger years, and yet always payed income tax. Look at the tax charts next year; you have to have a pretty low income to not be taxed.

There may be a rebirth of conservatism, actually I hope so. It needs it; today's so-called "conservatism" is brain-dead and morally bankrupt. William F. Buckley is no doubt rolling over in his grave.