Thursday, September 16, 2010

Apology Accepted

Love means never having to say you're sorry, but The Aurora told ya years ago that global warming didn't exist in the sense that the alarmists were selling it, and now the White House has admitted we were right all along.

"Global climate disruption" that's fuckin' funny, but wouldn't just "climate" suffice?


gary said...

Global climate disruption? Scientists have been calling it climate change for years, recognizing that some areas could get colder (if the gulf stream got disrupted for example) and there could be other effects besides the overall global warming. The problem is that, whatever you call it, you are still wrong, and still deny probably the greatest problem we face as a planet and a species. But you are too ignorant to acknowledge that.

Donkeyhue said...

You are too stupid to debate this further. You were wrong. The alarmists have been exposed as lying frauds. Move on.

gary said...

You are wrong. The evidence is growing and overwhelming.

Donkeyhue said...

Let it go. Global warming is dead. Long live global climate disruption (until the next name change). The polar bear population is thriving, the Himalayas arent melting, and 100 foot waves arent crashing through Times Square. Your scaremongering has failed you, specifically because the evidence is shrinking and underwhelming.

Rhino-itall said...

So I read natl. geographic magazine. I saw an issue on water recently and how it's in short supply around the world. (scary situation actually)

In any event they were going over sea levels throughout history and how global warming is contributing to the higher sea levels these days but the question that was unasked and come we're not at the highest levels in history right now? Their own chart shows fluctuating sea levels throughout history

gary said...

Well, there are those who make scientific judgements based on evidence, articles in peer-reviewed journals, the opinions of leading scientists and scientific organization, and then there are the wingnuts. Unfortunately they have taken over one of our political parties.