Monday, August 30, 2010

They Can't Debate The Issues, So....

..they just try to destroy the people they can't debate. Love him or hate him, Beck is right and the liberal/progressives can't even come close to debating the issues.


gary said...

Beck is nuts but I don't agree with these methods.

Getlive said...

Yea but you are using those methods right now calling him nuts. You see, you have no substance on the issues so instead you just call him nuts. You don't even know you're doing it!

Donkeyhue said...

Who is Gary kidding saying he doesnt agree with these methods? Fer fooks sake, that has been exactly Garys method these past few years.

Only thing worse than a fraud is a fraud with a bad memory.

The best thing about it all is the feebleness of the left makes stronger what they seek to destroy.

See: Palin, Sarah

Rhino-itall said...

They did it to Bill Cosby too.

He went off message and they came after him. They drudged up an affair from his past and used it to attack and impugn his character.

And what was his sin? He started telling black people that they're responsible for their childrens failures and that they shouldn't be counting on the government to raise their kids and feed their kids etc...

You want to learn more? Read

Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It

by Juan Williams. Good book.

Donkeyhue said...

Yeah, but Cosby was one of the blacks, so its cool.

Funny thing of it all, all this empty suited birther moslem stuff they now accuse Beck of propogating was first brought up by liberals in the primaries.