Monday, August 09, 2010


So I just got the IPAD.

Full disclosure: I did't pay for it. I won it in a sales contest.

I've only had it for a weekend so maybe this review is a little early but in my humble opinion....

Overrated, Overhyped. Don't waste your money.

The Donkey has one too and he seems to like it but if you're not a computer geek and you don't do the social networking sites then you're basically just playing games on it and maybe reading a book on it. If that's the case Get a Play Station handheld and a Kindle and save yourself probably 4-500 bucks.


Donkeyhue said...

The iPad is going to change everything. Everything.

I use it all day. It wakes me as an alarm clock, I read the papers on my commute, use it as a calculator and to create spreadsheets at work, real time quotes on every global exchange and index, listen to music, watch movies, jerk off to porn, read books, buy stuff on craigslist (got some tix to Dia De Los Toadies in Texas, play global thermo-nuclear war, jerk off to porn, the list goes on....

You have had it for two days, so shut your fucking trap Debbie Downer. Wah Waaah.

Rhino-itall said...

I'm not saying it's not a cool toy. However since u own an alarm clock, spend all day trading on global markets and already have access to all of them, can get the same papers on ur kindle that u already own, and already own a laptop for craigslist and porn, etc. It's a pretty expensive toy and not worth the money in my opinion.

I got it for free so I don't care either way but you wasted your that stupid mini disc player you convinced me to buy in '99. Dumbass.

Rhino-itall said...

FYI...I did that last comment on the IPAD and I found an app for fantasy football so i'm pretty excited about that.

Donkeyhue said...

Nice flip flop.

Getlive said...

Rhino is the last person to be doing a review on tech gadgets. He's lucky he can log on to a PC and text. The one thing I think is the most beneficial is the battery life. Plus the touch screen is pretty impressive. I myself will wait until the price comes down or I win my sales contest (it's for an iPad too). Although it doesn't come with a DVD drive, that's OK because you can get anything via thin air anyway. It has changed everything.

Rhino-itall said...

Was hanging with my brother in law the other night. he's a total geek. has had every Iphone,has mac laptops, has the ipad, etc.

He LOVES his Ipad but pretty much confirmed everything I said.

If you already have a laptop then this is basically just a toy. You CAN do stuff on it like spreadsheets or stuff for work but if you use a laptop it's more convenient to do it on that. Plus you have to link it up with your regular computer to get your pics,movies,music,contacts, whatever on it so it's not really a stand alone computer. You actually NEED another computer to get the full use out of it.

If you're traveling I'm sure it's convenient to have the movies and music and stuff all in one spot, but for 700 bucks? Plus I have the Droid phone which does everything the Ipad does just on a smaller screen so unless I'm watching movies it really doesn't make a difference.

It's a toy. Lots of cool little apps for entertainment. Maybe I'll use it more during the winter months but as of right now, I barely turn it on.

Donkeyhue said...

The car was called a toy


The phone



The internet

Way to be on the cutting edge of trogloditism.