Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Hate Means Never Having To Say Youre Sorry

The anti-war peace prize winning Pres. Obama has now fully adopted Pres. Bush's surge strategy in Afghanistan and his exit timetable in Iraq.

But thats not the only page Obama stole from Bush's rhyme book.

If Bush bungeld the war effort so bad why did Obama hire Robert Gates and Gen Petraeus?

If Bush mishandled Katrina why did Obama hire his pointman Adm Thad Allen to clean up the Gulf

What about Gitmo? Its still open.

TARP? Executive privilege? Wire-tapping? Rendition?

... should I go on?

Looks like someone (everyone) on the left owe Bush an apology....and a thank you.

Or was the left just joshing about opposing all those things the past nine years?


gary said...

If what you're saying is true, which of course it isn't, then I guess you should support Obama. If you have evidence that Obama is continuing torture, illegal wiretaps or rendition, then let's see it and I will condemn those policies.

Obama has us on track to get out of Iraq by the end of next year, and yes that continues the agreement Bush made, but is also inline with Obama's campaign promises. I am a bit more skeptical of the situation in Afghanistan, although I certainly hope we get out over the next few years.

The 2010 elections should be interesting. My guess is that the Republicans won't do nearly as well as many think, but of course I could be wrong.

Getlive said...

Actually obama said we would be out of Iraq at the end of 09 during his campaign.

Rhino-itall said...

You need to read the papers dude this is seriously old news. As far at the torture thing is concerned The Bush administration never tortured anyone, but what happened to them when they were delivered to those other countries we can't be sure. Of course Obama is claiming that he is keeping a watchful eye on HIS renditions but the guy is on vacation so much I don't know how that's possible.

I look forward to reading your condemnation today.