Excellent point and rightly so she scored big over Obama in their last debate (as it was reported in the media, I happen to think Barrack won)
....but is it the truth?

So if she went in for the makeout with the wife of one history's most murderous thugs as First Lady, strong talk aside.....
As President....
..... can we expect her to use her hand on Hugo? coitus with Castro? her mouth on Mahmoud?
Hi. This article might make sense to The Aurora:
Uganda: UN Cries Wolf About Aids
The Monitor (Kampala)
15 October 2006
Posted to the web 28 July 2007
Prof. James Chin, UC
The UN agency coordinating global action against Aids is wiping egg off its face after reluctantly admitting it had overestimated India's Aids problem by more than half--following numerous similar exaggerations world-wide.
In 2005 the Joint United Nation's Programme on Aids (Unaids) claimed there were 5.7 million people infected with HIV in India, giving India the highest number in the world, but the Indian National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) figures for 2006 released on Friday lowered the number to 2.5 million--and Unaids has had to admit the new estimate is more accurate.
It goes on, Haiti, Kenya, Ethiopia.
Old news. We reported on the scaremongering AIDS fraud long ago, and obviously the incompetence of the UN is a recurring theme here.
i think (but perhaps i'm wrong, as he's a confusing guy at times) a subtle part of mr. accountable's implication in his post is that yasser arafat is widely presumed to have died of aids.
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