Thursday, June 07, 2007


“The circumstances that endanger the safety of nations are infinite, and for this reason no constitutional shackles can wisely be imposed on the power to which the care of it is committed.”

Alexander Hamilton

Media Bias?

“You know that minor deal about catching those guys who wanted to blow up JFK Airport? The New York Times decided it was not worthy of front page coverage in its Sunday editions. Nor the second page, nor the third. The NY Times, in what can only be described as editorializing by placement, put it on page THIRTY, the page after the obituaries and the page before the chess column.” —Rich Galen


“It’s like the American people are waiting for [the GOP]. They’re waiting for us to remember why we’re doing what we’re doing, about the ideas that inspired us, to remember who the leaders were that inspired us.” —Fred Thompson


“I think that we have failed them in our churches, our schools and our government. And I certainly think the free market has failed. We’ve all failed.” —comrade Hillary Clinton-- on healthcare, energy, young people—you name it

That's rich?

“Well, the definition that I’m using with respect to paying for my healthcare plan is those making over $250,000 a year.” —Barack Obama on his definition of “rich”

(personal story: One of many people i know who EARN over 250k per yr. is my brother in law who is a NYPD detective and also runs his own pool business and an excavating business which he started with his brother. He works 15+ hours per day and risked his own capital to get these things going in order to provide a better life for his family. This man should be PENALIZED for his efforts? He drives a 2003 Ford Explorer! He's RICH?)

True True

“One reason the Republican Party seems so shallow since the departure of Ronald Reagan is that it has largely abandoned the nationalist impulse... the GOP no longer speaks persuasively about a national destiny.”—David Brooks


Anonymous said...

Im telling ya, if Ayn Rand were alive today the first thing she'd do besides banging me, well actually who am I kidding... thats about all she'd do.

anita said...

"A building has integrity just like a man. And just as seldom." Ayn Rand

Anonymous said...

If youre hitting on me, I have to tell you.... it's working.

Anonymous said...

i'm surprised you haven't started supporting ron paul's campaign for president.

he's my man in the GOP (though i might be convinced to vote for romney).

what do you think of paul, donkey?

Anonymous said...

Off the record?

I like him. His comment during the first GOP debate was wrong, not ideologically as it is being reported but rather historically. Moslems have been attacking us since the days before Jefferson, and to blame it on our modern day foreign policy grossly underesitmates the violent nature of our enemy and misplaces the onus on the victim.

That being said I generally agree with his positions up to and including a non-interventionist foreign policy. However in this case I dont think we are so much intervening if you will so much as retaliating, which I obviously support.

As a small l liberatarian it must drive you crazy how hes being portrayed, considering that he is one of the very few conservatives in the race. Rudy gets a pass on abortion but Paul has been villified on foreign policy. None of this is making any sense to me.

Its a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for lola

Romney is growing on me. I recently had an in depth convo about him with a family friend of mine who I would consider an uber-con that is a former biz partner of Mitt's, and he damn near sold me on the spot. Very high praise from a man who I respect so Mitt is now on my radar as well.

Anonymous said...

... but I must add that I had the dome before Mitt, and I dont appreciate being called Romneyue at the office, although truth be told its better than Paulie Walnuts.

Anonymous said...

paul's comment was completely misinterpreted (probably intentionally) by giuliani--he was actually restating a central thesis of the 9/11 commission report (which i'm not a fan of particularly, but still) and a view espoused by many mainstream experts and intelligence analysts of various political persuasions.

and its accuracy, as you point out, depends on how far you go back into history, but i would argue that america's relationship with the middle east and muslims has changed since the decline of the british empire and become more interventionist. regardless of who "started it," paul is basically correct in his assertion that our mere presence there is what drives them to hate us--it's not that we let our women vote and drive cars.

the nat'l media will give rudy a pass on everything they can until his campaign implodes and all the skeletons come out.

the reason i might consider romney is that he's been, generally, small-govt oriented, very pro separation of church and state (cause he's a religious minority), generally pro-liberty.

obviously, my key issues are all about personal liberty: free speech and 1st amendment, gun control, 4th amendment, etc. then i look for someone who's pro-market.

so, yeah, ron paul kicks ass.

anita said...

ron paul has that kind of uber-wacky, little-guy thing going on that ross perot had. but hey, he is probably the only conservative to get MAJOR applause from Bill Maher's audience. then again, i wouldn't be surprised if he were to melt down like old ross there given the proper amount of scrutiny.

also, re domes. i gather (but am not entirely sure) that the donkey's is an all-natural chrome dome. versus romney's clairol dome with a few chrome highlights for effect. it's a matter of 'preference' as they say. because the domes deserve it ... non?

but hear me now: giuliani is a one-trick pony. and now he has that horrible woman at his side. it can't get weider than that. or can it? i say rudy's self-immolation is inevitable and i predict it will happen sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Perot...

I find myself once again feeling the need to defend Adm James Stockdale, a true American hero, as well as one of the great minds of our time, and a man whose books I give almost exclusive credit for my interest in stoic philosophy. To quote Dennis Miller.

"The reason he had to turn his hearing aid on at that debate is because those fucking animals knocked his eardrums out when he wouldn't spill his guts. He teaches philosophy at Stanford University, he's a brilliant, sensitive, courageous man. And yet he committed the one unpardonable sin in our culture: he was bad on television. Somewhere out there Paddy Chayefsky must be laughing his ass off."

Although Hartman's SNL portrayal was admittedly hilarious it served as an unjust perpetuator of a gross mischaracterization of an American Hero.

Speaking of Phil Hartman...

I hope Geico and all those that look to further capitalize off cavemanmania give credit where credit is due, and cite Phil as the originator of the modern day misplaced troglodyte, and cut off a slice of the financial reapings for his orphaned children.

But what do I know, Im just a thawed out donkey writing this on my 27" LCD screen Apple Powerbook listening to my matching engraved Ipod.... your crazy blogs and internets confuse me.

Now once again excuse me as I am once again off to Wifey McBeateys, first round is on me for anyone interested.

anita said...

oh man!!! let go of the stockdale thing, donkeyhue, let it go. i beg of you. seriously. how many years has it been? we're tired, oh so tired of it by now ... it's over, my son. you can get on with your life now.

Anonymous said...

where the hell is wifey mcbeateys?