Regular readers of this blog (both of them) know that Donkey and I have a friend who lives in Moscow. We communicate fairly regularly, and usually via email. The following is an email i got from him 2 days ago and my response to him. Oh and he's a Jew (nobodys perfect)
"So what do you think about that commission on the Iraq war? I think talking to Iran is a great idea. We could even send a representative to their next Holocaust conference. Gotta tell ya, there might have been some good points in there, but the talking to Iran thing kind of obscured everything else for me. I know the Hitler and WWII comparisons get stale, but, um...didn't somebody say the same thing about Nazi Germany (speaking of the Holocaust)?"
(Rhino Response) Yeah, actually it was chamberlain (Neville not Wilt) who suggested the world talk to Hitler. Good thinking, except for the fact that he took Poland without breaking a sweat. At the time there was a minority candidate in parliament named Winston Churchill who was saying it was asinine to talk to a madman, but the pussies won out and of course Churchill was correct and eventually got the job done thanks to Hitler turning on the Russians and pissing off the Americans with the help of the Japanese. You would think the world, and especially the west, would learn from history but as we've seen with Carter (abandoning the shah) and Clinton (taking the muslim side in the balkans and failing to respond to repeated attacks against the U.S.) and now James Baker and his Iraq Study Group partners they just want to repeat it.So far Bush doesn't seem to be buying the bullshit, but he's only in for 2 more years. I read a big part of the report, and it doesn't really make any good points at all. Check this analysis out. here
Whoa Whoa Whoa! Just hold on a gosh dang minute here. Nobody ever mentioned anything about the Wolf being a Jew. Rhino, Are you trying to get us kicked out of the local Anti-Semite Lodge?
Liberals cant grasp these more apt comparisons because theyre still stuck in the 70's. Everything is Vietnam to them because it means they dont have to think for themselves, just throw Vietnam into every argument and they feel as if theyre somehow enlightened historians. They have no frickin clue. God damn hippies!
The Iranians love us. True, there is some bad history there--we overthrow a democratically elected government in Iran, backed and trained the Shah's secret police for decades, and backed their mortal enemy Saddam Hussein in a war against them. But then George W. Bush saw the light, overthrew Saddam Hussein, and is now backing pro-Iranian Shiites in a civil war against Sunni insurgents. Actually, I think Iran probably wants us to stay in Iraq as long as possible. Also, because of the Iraq war we do not have the forces to militarily engage Iran, except possibly in a counter-productive air strike.
my twin brother is freakin' nuts.
Who ya gonna believe, me or my evil twin? Obviously I was being facetious when I said Iran "loves" us but I stand by the rest of my analysis.
Identifying the "enemy" in Iraq is getting confusing. Pro-Iranian Shiites? Sunni insurgents who are being supported by Saudi Arabia?
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