So obvious.
"I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown," Kerry wrote. "We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job.'
I'm sure he was talking about Bush and his failed policies in Iraq when he said this.............in 1972!
Read some more of the long documented history here:
rhino, can't you find a new topic to beat into the ground?
Yeah, it's coming up right now.
Anita did your magic meaning machine run out of batteries? Id like to know what your interpretation of this Kerry quote is.
donkeyhue & rhinoculous, i'm working on a deadline ... i'll get back to you this afternoon.
What is Kerry running for, I forget? Kerry should go away. So should George W. Bush.
I don't find anything outrageous about what he is saying in those comments. Although I can see how they would lead some people to jump to the conclusions that they did: which was that his comments the other day was about the troops themselves (which it wasn't) and not the President (which it was).
He's arguing against an all-volunteer army. Because he knows that in an all-volunteer army, the chances that college educated people will not opt for service to the extent that people with less education and fewer skills in the marketplace would. He's not saying that NO skilled or college educated individuals will chose the military.
His words are NOT an indictment of individuals or of the troops. He's speaking to the people who run the military and the country.
And yes, to me, that is 'so obvious.'
His words and your defense of it are indictative of your elitist attitudes. His argument was wrong then and its wrong now. I myself have the grave misfortune of only having a "lesser education" and the burden of having "fewer skills" in the marketplace. The assumption that a college education makes you better is obnoxiously arrogant. How dare you say something like that and then claim...
"His words are NOT an indictment of individuals or of the troops."
Thats exactly what he and you are saying, that the smarter and better kids wont join the military and thats pure bullshit. Our troops are THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Why dont you try supporting them.
Rhino can attest to this, when we worked together years ago...I would always give preference to military experience over a college diploma when hiring people for my staff. Give me a well disciplined soldier over some snot nosed spoiled frat jackass every day of the week.
Donkeyhue, if you knew anything about me, you'd know that I am so far from being an elitist it isn't even funny. I grew up in a family, the youngest of five kids (until my little sister was born when I was 10, and that made, uh, six, I guess) where no one had ever gone to college. I went to college full time and worked full time because I had to put gas in my car and buy books. Also, I lived at home because no one way paying my way and therefore missed out on the whole 'college experience.' But that doesn't matter. I was there to learn stuff, seriously learn stuff and find out about things and worlds that my small little life had not exposed me to. Ideas.
Do you remember the movie, Educating Rita with Michael Caine? Well, in many respects, I am Rita.
Anyway, what was my point? Oh, that you misinterpreted me, once again. And not because you are not intelligent (far from it) or are uneducated (far from that as well ... the school of life is the most important school there is). NO, it's because you have a major axe to grind. I understand your axe but I'm not gonna grind it with you.
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