Thursday, November 09, 2006

Peace Of Shits

Well Ive long said that liberals hate our military almost as much as they despise reality. Im not even going to mention John Kerry as his anti-military bullshit bores me. Their mindset is not of normal people, by normal I mean sane. These are the people that wear hundred dollar leather birkenstocks but will begrudge me my weekly porterhouse at Gallaghers because meat is murder. The very same insane people that will march on Union Square protesting _________ of the day and cry about oil consumption yet leave behind a papertrail of Che and Mao litter. The same fuckin people that will tell you they support the troops but not the war as they call our soldiers baby killers, rapists and terrorists.

Which brings me to the knuckleheads Im about to address. They love the troops, they really really do, it is just Bush and Halliburton and Big Oil and Cheney and Republicans that they hate. You know them..the blood for oil crowd. They love the troops so much it doesnt even dawn on them the mockery they are making of our men and women past and present that defend their rights to be jackasses.

I became aware of this group The Kommandos Project by a vague comment left by one of their Komrades that I do not support the will of the people. Well if by will of the people means I think google bombing libelous and slanderous untruths throwing paint on women sabotaging SUV dealerships and comparing our soldiers to toys by leaving little green men* all over the place with anti-Republican messages is crap....THEN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE BE DAMNED. kommandos are kommies

These are not pacifists these are not peaceful people. They are not anti-war. They are angry hate filled anarchists. They hate capitalism they hate democracy and most certainly they hate the greatest ideal of all, The United States of America.

For the record, I love puppies.

There are many wars and injustices going on around the globe as I type and you read...where are all the banners for them. Case in point Darfur. They do not protest the genocide, but that the USA isnt helping enough, yet the Iraqis deserved to suffer? What about the solution to everything in the hippie world..the UN, what the F are they doing? The oppression of the people of Korea, it is all Bush's fault for not engaging Kim unilaterally just as it was Bush's fault for acting unilaterally to stop the butcher of Baghdad. You seeing a pattern. Facts or truths mean nothing to these people but how they can interpret them to blame America and quite frankly Im getting pretty pissed off about it.

In protest I am going to use my Consitutional Right (the living breathing type) to smack in the throat the next commie I see rallying outside my office with anything resembling Nazi propaganda (yeah you with the swastika Bush flag). For starters I will explain that they misinterpreted my meaning but more importantly I have an excellent attorney (eats pony-tailed ACLU types for breakfast) and we will settle it the hippie the courts.

But I must implore that you do not do as I do, only as I say and kindly ask of you... fellow Aurorans is that you take twenty bucks and twenty minutes out of your day and bring a case of beer or a pizza to your nearest VFW before or after November 11th as they deserve more than just one day. BUT, on that day go to a parade and clap for the men and women marching. Clap like you have never clapped before. Honor them. They are owed much more but deserve no less.

***for clarity as far as I know the kommandos only tactic is using toy soldiers


anita said...

I would argue that the members of Kommandos Project love America as much, if not more, than you do.

I think you are entirely off the wall on your accusations about them. They are a diverse group of bloggers, many of whom I got to know through my own 'bloggings' days. You need to read their blogs before you start throwing stones at them.

NONE, I repeat NONE of them are deserving of your callous, careless and curmudgeonly scatological reference.

You and Rhino think you are the last patriots on the planet. Silly animals. You are so wrong.

Anonymous said...

Then Anita my dear child I am afraid you would lose yet another argument.

Not the last, just the smartest wittiest most charming and handsome patriot left on the planet, and Rhino is along for the ride as my coattails are as long as my ears.

-G.D. said...

oh dear, you are bleeding all over this blog donkey...the pain is obvious and I'm starting to feel like an ass (he, he) for poking fun, when you are clearly going through so much.

listen, you and 'your people' are getting what you've dragged us to a war that we did not want nor needed to fight, you've supported a liar, spent all of our (and our children's) money, and have lost complete touch of what it is to be an American.

none the less, I am sorry you are hurting, so please accept my most sincere thumping.

hang in there and look forward to all the beautiful tie dye, flower power and overflowing marijuana.


Anonymous said...

I cant control who reads my blog, but this is exactly why I dont discuss politics with women in real life. Let me guess, pysch minor? Its always about emotion with you, not to mention women have a brain the third of the size as men, its science.

...and One fret you not, Vikings fight the pain for me.

-G.D. said...

there, there...come give mama a hug

Anonymous said...

Donkey, Donkey, some of that pizza for me and the millions of other progressives and liberals and commies who served our nation in war.

Anonymous said...

Deal One. But only if Anita can join us.

Anonymous said...

Dude then Ill save you some pizza AND beer and say thank you.

But I think you are wrong on this.

Anonymous said...

... and comparing our soldiers to toys by leaving little green men all over the place with anti-Republican messages is crap

Ah Donkeyhue, you have managed, in one simple statement, to demonstrate that 1) You don't have the faintest clue what the Kommandos Project is about and 2) You wouldn't know an "anti-Republican message if it was scrawled on your forehead. But explain to me what is anti-Republican about:

"No War In Iran"

That would be one of mine, and a sentiment actually shared by many Republicans.

As for your little diatribe: Thanks for the link! Kommandos Project will just get more traffic and members, and coming from you this sort of scree is high praise.

Anonymous said...

Kvatch I will gladly link you and send you our 6 readers, 5 of which are of your ilk already. Were very big in Sheboygan.

Maybe Im just absolutely out of my mind, but whatever your inentions are the message or your gripe...politics and parties aside...leaving toy soldiers at War Memorials with your shit slogans is a disgust.

Your tactics are wrong no matter what high ground numbers or polls you claim ...if you make just one vet feel like shit that comes across your kommando with a "we die" tag, when he was only looking for a sunny day to remember his friends, then you have failed in your argument.

It is wrong.

Anonymous said...

i don't know about kommandos, but i freakin' LOVE anita's vocabulary. "scatological" gave me a head rush unlike any i've experienced since trading in "fresh" jersey air for a pack of parliaments. bring her back to the aurora...PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Who let the craichead out of the cage? Stay away from the white women. Wheres the fuckin Fly when you dont need him. Send me another Pelosi picture I will stab you to death with a footbal.

Anonymous said...

bring it donk, as long as that football is bearing the RU of jersey's undefeated scarlet knights! even the empire state building was basking in bright red tonight! WOO HOO!!!

Anonymous said... is for sissies and commies

Anonymous said...

also the color of "frank's red hot sauce" which i have used in making various culinary treats in order to persuade the german to forgive assorted transgressions. red is good. get your red at 11 outlawed epithets. hammer and sickly not included.

Anonymous said...

after coming down off the high of rutgers' victory, i clicked on the link that donk posted for the kommandos. i rarely, if ever, agree with donk on anything, but i was taken aback by the manner in which this group is willing to exploit the gore and bloodshed and death of war to their own political ends. donk and i are family, and so, as many of you know i would back him up in many situations. but his point, well taken, is that these people are making a political statement by using people who are deprived, by nature of their military service in time or war, of a rebuttal. did the kommandos interview or even ask one active serviceman or woman what he or she thought of their campaign? be honest. did they seek the guidance of their local vfw or american legion? my guess is now that the elections are over, this group will disappear, fait accompli. some of us actually want the bleeding to stop, want a war that is unwinnable to end, and want our people home. and we don't play with toy soldiers in order to prove it.

Rhino-itall said...

Well said craic.

Lily said...

Well Donkey I prefer to think that despite your insane natterings you are reacting to something that I often react to myself. That many on the left obsess about Bush but not the voters that put him there, the SUV dealers but not the fuckwits that buy them. And so on... I think that what you are seeing is that on both sides, there are variations. Some hippies are unappreciative spoiled bitches, BUT some try very hard to live their lives with simplicity and minimal hypocrisy.

I do know many of the Kommandoes Project bloggers, and I think you are mischaracterizing what they are trying to do because you tend to take your battle with SOME to a front with ALL. They are a pretty diverse group, with different objectives and motives.

I respect the troops because I do on a certain level think a military is necessary to protect our rights, I just dont agree with THIS use of our men and women nor do I think it will serve our intended goals. I totally agree that we need more of a banner for situations like the Sudan. I am not sure what goes into the activism or lack of where people are concerned.

But you have to look at individuals and their actions, and evaluate them accordingly. Not paint everyone with a broad brush.

I do hear you that there is some double talk that goes on and I think of these problems every time I go to my Sierra Club events and see the parking lot full of huge SUV's.(WTF???)
I dont however determine that the goal of conservation is bullshit just because some of the people are fucking flakes. As Rummy might say, we have to use the allies we have.

Not ALL people are this way, and I think you need to make fairness and objectivity a higher priority.

Stop ranting and use your obvious intelligence to instigate dialogue that will actually make people listen. And as to your points that are crap, well, just toss them. They just diminish you.

anita said...

"come give mama a hug"

be careful what you ask for, one.

he might CRUSH you, like he did 3rd wife. and #47 prostitute.

Lily said...

I dont know about you, but I think that the "give momma a hug" shit presupposes that men only talk in hating/cold ways because they are victims or must have some kind of pain.

I know many people that are pretty damned psychopathic and nothing bad happened to them and they are not hurting. While you hug them they would be mocking you behind your fucking back. Sneering that you are a sucker.

I watch woman after woman have sex with these men and try to hug them and love them to compassion. What a stupid waste of time. They should go work in a pet shelter and rescue puppies instead and leave the psychology to Oprah.

I have never once observed emotion at the Aurora. It is what it is. Once or twice I did think it would be interesting to meet in real life but I gotta tell ya, they dont want to be our friends. They want to belittle and berate us for sport.

Anonymous said...

Allegedly. Allegedly crushed.

gary said...

Sweet Jesus, it's only an election. Take a deep breath, have a beer, treat youself to a good steak. If God didn't want us to eat animals she wouldn't have made them so tasty.

anita said...

Lily, I know from experience that there is much truth to what you say.

I'll repeat what I said on the message board ... these guys need to read some Robert Bly ("Iron John"). And discover the Men's Movement:

Rhino-itall said...

lily, anger is not an emotion? what about rage? how about contempt? You haven't noticed these emotions? Donkey we haven't been trying hard enough!

Anonymous said...

For some reason Im beginning to get the impression that they think this is just some mythpoetic ruse.
Going forward I will try and tone down my wit and sarcsstic charm.

Anita if Robert Bly were in a commercial he would be instantly crushed by a giant Beast can.


Miss Carnivorous said...

That's the trouble with leftist feminist women. They can't accept reality. Men like Robert Bly are selected against. Women throughout history have lain down for soldiers and warriors, not pussfied, pacifist weaklings. Zulu women danced for their warriors and so did the Native American women. Robert Bly falsified Native American culture by running around in the woods, beating drums and looking for the "stick of truth," but he forgot about the part where you skin your enemies alive. Given a choice between a man driving a big truck and some wimpy hippy in a hybrid vehicle, I am sure that women would pick the truck driver 10 to 1. The only leftist guys that get a lot of tail are the really mean, asshole womanizers who treat women like shit. Hunter S. Thompson, George Clooney, Warren Beaty. Jack Nicholson. Brad Pitt. Bill Clinton. They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. At least right wing guys are honest about their feelings for and about women.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of any stick of truth but that last comment definitely gave me wood.