Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cant Clean House With A Dirty Mop

As I delve deeper to discover the definition of the "referendum" of last tuesdays election one subject keeps coming up....corruption. We have long been advocates of imposing term limits on Congress as its not a matter of if but when the majority of politicians become greedy self serving pigs.

The GOP deserved to be punished for becoming the very scum that they booted from office in the 90's with a "referendum" to clean up dirty DC politics. Abramoff's fedora cast a shady shade over the Republicans (as well the current senate majority leader as well as other dems) and coupled with other problems was too much to overcome, and probably deserving so.

So we welcome Nancy Pelosi's pledge "to turn this Congress into the most honest and open Congress in history," and wash away the filth of k street....

But hold on just a god damn minute, whats this I hear...Alcee "impeached for bribery and perjury" Hastings, John "abscam" Murtha, and Barney "gay prostitution ring" Frank are being endorsed by Pelosi for key Congessional leaderships posititions. Besides Frank I dont expect either Murtha or Hastings to actually elevate to those positions as the blue dogs are barking loudly, but thats not the point. That their names even came up is indictative of the joke that the extreme left of the democrat party has become.

To all those conservatives that voted dem or stayed home to "send a message" I hope you are frickin happy with yourselves. You made your point, good job jackasses....now America suffers for the next two long and ugly years to endure your "lesson". Didnt you, ok we learn anything from Perot?

Murtha Bribe Video


Rhino-itall said...

I just don't understand how these people survive??

How do we re-elect these people? How can this happen? who the F is voting for them?

gary said...

If the Republicans have been more corrupt in recent years--and I think they have--it is only because they have been in power. I mean who are you going to bribe, the guy with the power or the guy without it? The whole system is corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Well it just so happens that I am in the market for travel luggage. Next time you stop by I'll give you a sale.

Gary you are correct that the entire system is corrupt, but since this is my blog and I am becoming increasingly more partisan as the days go by I am going to primarily focus on the dems, although I will as always attack a GOP if and when the situation warrants.

However this post wasnt so much about the corruption that we all can agree is rampant on both sides of the aisle, but rather the obvious hypocrisy of Pelosi claiming to want to clean up Washington yet endorse some of the dirtiest poliwags in town.

Once again the Aurora calls for strict term limits, for if you show me a career politician Ill show you a corrupt politician.

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting to use the word of the day, so I will add.

The Aurora disapporves of the cozen manner in which the the democrat party ran their campaign by silently cloaking their true liberal pusillanimous platform.

gary said...

Cozen, huh? I must admit I had to look that one up. I don't think you used it correctly, though--it's a verb.

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck cant you favor term limits? Noone enters politics for the right reason anymore and even if they do they are in someones pocket before the first ballot is cast for them. Yes in principle you dont want to handcuff a great leader...but when is the last time weve had one?

gary said...

Bill Clinton.