Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Great One Had it Right!

No I'm not talking about Gretzky, I'm talking about Mark Levin. He had this Plame/Wilson/Libby/Rove thing right from the start. If you've never listened to his show, you don't know what you're missing.

A Sham of an Investigation08/28 11:21 AM
The more I think about this Fitzgerald investigation, the more astonished I become. Richard Armitage was Bob Novak's "source" — i.e., he identified Valerie Plame — which, incidentally, is clearly not a crime and Armitage has not been charged with any offense. And prosecutors knew Armitage was the "source" almost immediately after beginning their investigation because Armitage confessed. Indeed, when he thought he may have done something wrong, he appears to have cried on many shoulders. Armitage told his boss, Colin Powell, that he was the source, as well as other State Department and Justice Department officials. He told the Special Counsel's people. And not one of them — Armitage, Powell, Patrick Fitzgerald, et al. — had the guts or integrity to tell the public that the original source was Armitage.

Read More Here:

Check him out. Even if you don't agree with him you will learn something every day, and he's the smartest, most entertaining person on radio. He's on in NY at 6pm on 770 am. Do yourself a favor and listen in. Also his book "Men In Black" (supreme court) is a great read.


gary said...

Novak in his column said that he had two sources. Now we know that Armitage was one and Karl Rove was the other. We now also know that Valerie Plame was a covert operative, working on projects related to WMDs in Iraq and Iran, and that her outing compromised these programs.

It is a shame that Rove will apparently not be indicted, but I would count Fitzgerald out yet.

Rhino-itall said...

Gary have you read any of the newspapers recently? or even in the last 2 years?

We have always known that plame was NOT an undercover operative, and that her identity was actually known by anyone who read the "who's who in washington" bio of joe wilson!

We also know that there was no crime of "outing" anyone, and no one has even been charged with such a crime, not even Libby. Libby is charged with lying to the grand jury because he didn't remember exactly when he spoke to reporters. THAT'S IT! Nothing else.....Did you even know that?

We also know that Rove had nothing to do with it, AND we know that fitzgerald knew this from the beginning! We know that because not only did armitage admit that he was the source, but so did woodward and novak.

Rove will not only not be indicted, but he was already told by fitzgerald that he is not under investigation and fitzgerald has already said that Rove had nothing to do with it.

I know you wish Rove was truly an evil criminal, but wishful thinking doesn't make it so.

snap out of it man.

gary said...

You are completely mistaken as usual. You shouldn't believe everything you read. Rove was one of Novak's two sources. Plame was under Non-Official Cover (NOC) by the standards of the law.

You should read this:

Your problem is you believe the wingnut spin on everything.

Rhino-itall said...

No gary i don't believe the spin from either side. In fact, every time one of these stories hits i always think EVERYONE is full of shit.

In this situation i KNOW that Rove didn't do anything wrong because Fitzgerald investigated it for almost 3 years before he cleared Rove. If you think he wasn't dying to get him you're crazy. He would have been a superstar in the media, could have written a book immediately after the case was over and could have been the "expert" on every political news show for the next 20 years.
No laws were broken, and i know this because NO ONE was charged with ANYTHING. Not Rove, Not Cheney, nobody.

Again, i know you Want it to be true, and i know the (koran flushing) newsweek guys want it to be true because they want to sell books, but the FACTS say otherwise.

Face it gary. Libby,Cheney, and Rove had the deck stacked against them with the prosecutor AND the media and all that they could get was a disputed timeline of when libby told what to who. Thats it. No crime, no conspiracy, no scandal. except the one that wilson created all by himself, and it worked out fine for him so don't shed any tears for that scumbag.

Rhino-itall said...

Oh and if i didn't make it obvious enough. the title of the book is

Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War

So maybe... just maybe... the guys who wrote it are doing a little spinning of their own.

Wake up

gary said...

So, you think that an honorable public servant like Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who was praised by President George H.W. Bush and who stood up to Saddam Hussein, is a scumbag. I don't suppose you think Karl Rove, whose lack of character is well-documented, is a scumbag?

Anonymous said...

His lack of character is well documented? I havent read that book yet. What I do know is that that the character-less Rove has continued to outwit your side...time...and...time...and...time again.

How does that make you feel?

Rhino-itall said...

honorable public servant? You mean the one who tried to undermine his country during wartime with a self serving op ed in the ny slimes?

Yes very honorable if you compare him to ted kennedy, but that's about it.

And if you're so high on honorable public servants, why not be a cheerleader for Don Rumsfeld. The man has been villified by the left and betrayed by the right for years, all the while doing everything in his power to serve the country honorably and with distinction. This is of course AFTER he served his country in the military for 20+ years AND in government including his previous stint as Sec.Def.
If you want to talk about honorable public servants, that's the guy who you should be talking about.