Tuesday, July 25, 2006

We Are The World....

Does anyone doubt that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization? Is anyone denying that the attacks and kidnappings on Israel were an act of war? Didn't the original attacks occur on the Israeli side of the border?
So where is the U.N. and the rest of the world community? This is there chance to show what they stand for. Right now there should be an army of 50-100 thousand soldiers from all over the world heading into Lebanon to shut down Hezbollah guerillas, but of course all they want to do is talk. They call for a cease fire, but that would mean that Israel would stop firing and their enemies would not, we know this because that is how it has always been.
Once again the U.N. shows it's true colors. Where are the "peace keepers"? Why don't we ever see the peace keepers in any areas where we need peace?
U.N. resolutions are meaningless, the security council has war criminals on it, the secretary general has been caught up in scandals, they have failed to stop the genocide in the Sudan, their"soldiers" have been caught up in underage prostitution rings, they have failed to help the civilian population in Iraq, they have failed to do ANYTHING in this most recent conflict between Israel and the terrorists of Hezbollah, they don't do anything but talk, and double park in front of the best restaurants in manhattan.
If it was up to me i would get rid of the whole organization, but here's an idea that i read somewhere a long time ago and i think i've suggested it here before. Make the U.N. headquarters mobile. When theres conflict somewhere in the world, where ever people are suffering move the headquarters there. So for example, right now the headquarters would be located in the Sudan, and then once that area is fixed they could move to the next hot spot. This would bring a different kind of people to the U.N. It would bring in people of action instead of diplomats who want to live for free on the east side of NY.


anita said...

Actually, Rhinoplasty, I think that a "mobile UN" is a fantastic idea.

And, I think we should pack up George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Bono and Angelina Jolie for a long-term mission to Darfur to be the founding "Mobile UN-ers."

Rhino-itall said...

i like the way you think donsky!

Anonymous said...

Roller derby and paintball arena??? Spoken like a true fascist.

I think a casino would contribute more to the local economy. I can already picture the string of strip clubs and pawnshops along First Avenue.

Anonymous said...

Well its an incorrect and dangerously naive thought, but we welcome your thoughts anyways.

Heres something to kick around...

Where were the calls for a cease-fire when Hezbollah was firing rockets kidnapping soldiers and blowing up buses prior to the Israeli retaliation?