Liberals have it all wrong, and its been fun to watch. Its not so funny anymore. Ive long watched with great pleasure of the huge disparity between liberal thinkers slash voters and liberal leadership. The liberal movement started and ended in the sixties (commie wannabes leftover from the forties) just like kids wore tie dyes in the eighties except dead heads made grilled cheese and spin danced now they just spin
Liberalism is a dirty word because it should be. Look at it and say otherwise. It is now an ideology of baby killing military bashing and god forsaken. If im wrong correct me, wait I forgot race frickin nigger spick micks. I expect no less.
The Republican Party is worse. Much worse. I live and vote in NYC so I vote two ways, if a conservative is on the ballot Ill be one of the three hundred that vote for them, otherwise I vote in descending order...Irish, Jew, Italian if republicans if not I abstain from that vote. My record of never voting for a winning President remains intact.
Heres where my problem lies...the GOP used to speak for me. Im immigrant born, wealthy but poor yet anti Reagan Kennedy Irish catholic household. Before I lost my virginity I knew I was a Conservative. And I knew I was right.
They have failed me, and it saddens me. Now I know how libs feel. Well besides the hating my country part. I love America, warts and all, and in my small way I hope the dialogue that I contribute through this blog shows.
That being said I will announce my Brewster's Millions (yet another great Candy flick) approach going forward. I will vote contrary even if it kills me to vote dem. OK maybe thats the booze talking, wont do that.
I wont vote GOP until they earn it back. Conservative (maybe libertarian), or not at all.
"Before I lost my virginity I knew I was a Conservative."
so, hmmm. interesting. you were a conservative up to about age 27, and then, amazingly!!! after age 27, you were STILL a conservative!!! that, is so, uh, well, CONSISTENT.
such a donkey you are. i'm impressed. truly.
I likewise will not vote Dem, if they put up a Hillary, or Leiberman type. My first presidential ballot I ever cast was for Reagan. What a mistake that was.
Lol Anita!
Oh lefty what happened to you? You showed such promise.
Anita why do you insult the donkey? he got his first hooker at age 23!
Actaully Anita and Rhino you are BOTH wrong. I got my first hooker when I was 15, but like Holden Caulfield we just chatted, and as a good catholic boy Im saving myself for marriage (or Diane Lane) temple is pure, frustrated, but pure
As pure as the driven Ho...that's the expression, right?
Sorry about that, maybe the Donkey's telling the truth. I mean, if you look at most Republicans (except Bob Dole, he's dean sexy) it doesn't look like they are getting a lot of sex. And as Clyde Frazier is so fond of saying, "No Play for Mr.Gray (editorializing - or White)".
Here in NJ, in our last race for the House in Trenton...I know, I know, probably the only people who want to live in Trenton...what exit is that?...yada yada yada...insult, insult...ha ha.
Anyway in the last election, the only guy I would have considered voting for ran on the platform of Marijuan legalization and got on the ballot with a serious petition/grass roots (pun intended) campaign. If memory serves me correct, he actually had his name changed to Weed Man, Mari Juana, or something like that. He was the only one I would have voted for but I was afraid of winding up on some list so I just stayed home and got stoned. So instead of a pot head we got Corzine. I'd of taken a crack head before Corzine.
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