In my opinion I think the alligator population in Florida is getting a bad rap. Why should a gator be hunt down and executed for being himself. Alligators stalk and eat prey, its what they do. I demand immediate amnesty for all legal alligators in this country.
maybe we need to put them back on the endanged species list ...
I love alligators (or is it crocodiles)...whichever one kill the most Floridians.
Anyway, I just noticed that this blog has become strictly Donkeydome. Perhaps, it should be renamed The Daily Donkey, The New Donker, The Village Donkey, The Final Donkey Call, or...you get the point. What's up with that? I may in fact be weak sauce but even I can post once or twice a month. Where's Rhino? Is Michelle Malkin sick or did she tell him to stop ripping her off? WL has always been in the sidelines so his absence in understood but I miss arguing with that rhidonculous Rhinot-atall.
PS - Jose Lima sucks...Lemon-time.
Well as Coulter would say, it is backward to provide amnesty for the alligators that have been eating people the longest as opposed to the alligators that just now took their first chomp. I mean, what are we saying people? That eating ten Floridians gets you amnesty and eating one Floridian does not? Is that any way to look at the law?
my sources tell me coulter's got a pad in palm beach.
yes, but she votes elsewhere. For some reasons we cannot understand.
Anita, you did not tell Donkeyhue how many people have asked about him at Blue Republic! I'm getting a bit tired of all the "Where's Donkeyhue" stuff. Its enough to drive a liberal crazy. Damn conservatives. But then again, it would appear that we are a pretty bigoted obnoxious website. No wonder...
Lost another loan to Donktech.
lol !!! (oops, sorry, lol's are not allowed here ... i think it's in the 'rules').
but yeah, i noticed that 'where's the donkey' thing. seems he walks in the door at the blue republic and all of a sudden he's "mr. popularity" ... it's definitely a little disconcerting. maybe it's that 'dome' thing ...
Sorry for not being around much, i've been extremely busy.
I like the idea of moving the gators to the border. Dig a moat(sp?) fill it with swampy water, and move all the gators there. If these people make it across the that, then they have officially earned citizenship!
Oh and i think we should film it, like those national geographic movies with the gazelles trying to cross the rivers in africa! I like the one where the gazelle goes to get a drink and the gator jumps up and snatches it by the neck!
Well thats a warm and fuzzy answer, brimming with humanity.
I hate those shows, watching poor little animals get eaten.
Anita, the popularity is kind of funny though. You have to realize that Dude and Jeff are the most twisted intoxicated disgraceful excuses for leftists you can imagine. They play with the idea that liberals can't be racist homophobes.They like that Donkeyhue actually said something about it. They were waiting to see how long it would take. Come on, Shaniqua the black lesbian? Mary Cheney and Mr. Leather?
Its hard not to think Donkey is funny. Even though it makes me feel guilty.
Rhino, my father is Mexican I told you! You can be so insensitive! You want to film my father's relatives being eaten?
And we do jobs you WON't do, not jobs YOU ARE NOT DOING. AMERICAN PUSSES!
And we don't pay taxes either- you just gotta hate that, huh. Tax free money is sweet.
jack branford is mexican?
he's a mexican seal clubber. and he doesn't pay any taxes per baby seal!
I love those shows! I especially like the lions vs hyenas shows!
I was watching one once where a female lion got seperated from the pride and was eventually killed by the hyenas. The next day one of the big males laid waste to the hyenas and killed 3 or four of them!
maybe el guap-o-hue will will bring dude and jeff out of their closets ...
Well I like vengeance killing. Thats a whole different matter.
The important question is this:
If Anita was eaten by hyenas, would the Aurorans go out and chew their asses up?
And Jack Branford is not my real daddy, Anita. Like me, Mummy had a love for good Salsa.
I guess when I say chicks dig me, it applies to effiminate liberal dudes as well, and I got to be honest that doesnt make me happy.
My favorite wildlife battle is the mongoose vs the cobra...anyone can win.
the answer to your question lily, is: sadly, no. now, if you or jezebel or the thong of helen thomas were surrounded by hyenas with chomping on their mind, i think all three aurorans + the fly would be there to save you ..
but i'd just be chopped anita meat within seconds.
but that's ok.
Anita thats not true! You were one of their own! You WERE an Auroran. I have always been on the sidelines.
An unwashed hippie outsider. A drain on the Auroracosm like a typical do-nothing communist.
Donkeyhue puts me in the corner.
He puts YOU on the contributor list.
And Fly is just gone. Gone to Metland. Where he belongs.
Actually I'm sure we would save both of you, but then you would have to put out!
Rhino you sound almost like your old self!
I call dibs on the carcass, after the Aurorgy of course. What self repecting metro would be without matching gator skin shoes and belt.
You are Donsky now, I just noticed! To go with the mustache.
So let me get this straight, you want to have sex with the dead gator, then let Donkeyhue sell the skin? Well, ok. Fair enough.
Even if its a male gator? The teeth seem kind of dangerous...limited options I'm afraid.
OK I totally did not do that, but it seems I WALKED AWAY for ten minutes while reading about Aurorgies and this is what happens when psychopath transgenders are over.
i think there is a little confusion over here ... let me see if i can try to ameliorate some of it (ameliorate ... i love that word) ...
the original question posed by lily had to do with whether or not the aurorans would try to save me (anita) if i were to be facing wild and hungry HYENAS, not alligators (or crocodiles). clearly, and quite sadly, no auroran jumped to respond to her query.
but that's neither here nor there. i cried a tear or two over that, but be assured that my heart will heal in time. or at least that's what my shrink said. as i was about to jump off the tappanzee bridge. but i was rescued. not to worry.
moving on: the ensuing commentary resulted in a discussion of a potential aurororgy that would include the ritual sacrifice of one alligator; and with the donkey staking claim to the skin of said alligator so that he, the consummate metro-sexual that he is, could have a super-fine belt and shoes (and, i presume a very nice purse and wallet as well).
i hope this clears things up. just keep in mind, you can't sell or buy alligator skin in california.
oh, and in response to one of lily's comments, i don't think the issue of transgenderness came up. although you might want to check with the rhinoculous on that one. i hear he's the resident expert on that subject.
Thank you for clearing that all up!
you're welcome coveted thong of helen thomas. i felt it was my duty, the loyal former auroran that i am.
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
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