Monday, May 22, 2006

Beware Of The Dwarf

Ive got to admit DaVinci fever has afflicted the Donkey. At the risk of exposing my booksnobbery being one of the few to have not read the book (not that I deem this book unworthy of my keen intellect, its just Im a snob against ALL books...waste of paper...SAVE THE TREES...smoke a bong) and have no intention to see the movie, as theaters in Manhattan are a hotbed of jackassery and may very well be the most annoying situation to put a non-people person such as myself in, so I avoid them at all costs.

That being said. I am watching any and every program on The History Channel pertaining to this subject, and if you watch know that it has become The DaVinci Channel all day all night...(In Sting voice...I want my Da-Vin-Ci) Seeing that I triple majored at University in Theological/European History/Aluminum Foil Haberdashery studies, there are no major revelations to these shows and the educational value is nil (donkey thirsts knowledge...oh wait donkey thirsts beer). Regardless, Im hooked, badly. Its calling me Pookie. In fact Ive watched most of the programs more than once. Are you down with OCD...yeah you know me.

So what I would like to do is to make a suggestion or recommendation, if you will...for those out in Auroraland that are like me and are jonesing for albino assassins, Catholic conspiracists, lovable librarians, murdering midgets, and Dudley Moore. Thats right I said it... DudleyFrickinMoore. On top of that, I will raise you a Burgess Meredith.

The movie of course is the Barry Manilow theme song singing Foul Play, starring the woman to whom I lost my virginity...Goldie Hawn (sock it to me, if you catch my drift) and post-SNL, pre-Fletch, pre-Griswald Chevy Chase. I will not go into any of the movie details, but if you are of the inkling to see The Davinci Code, but have apprehensions of supporting the Commie Pink Mafia, that is Hollywood, or fear invoking the wrath of your local clergyman (so much scarier than the boogeyman for pre-pubescent boys)...walk dont run(and not with scissors), better yet hop in your gas guzzler and head to your nearest non-Blockbuster video store and rent this flick. Did I mention Dudley ( Youre a hooker?) Moore, who in this movie had hands down the best bachelor pad ever.

Overall I rate this movie one long-ear up, and it would have been two if Goldie hadve shown her rack. Skin to win, skin to win baby!


Rhino-itall said...

I vaguely remember this movie. Was it really good? did dudley moore really make another movie besides arthur? i don't think i can see him as anyone else. where's my hat/oh you're a shrub/i'm talking small, last week they had the whole country carpeted/i ofted think, fish must get awfully tired of sea food.... what are your thoughts hopson?

Mookie McFly said...

Wholly Dudley movie ever.

Rhino-itall said...

There is no possible way that dudley did a movie better than arthur! i haven't seen too many of his movies, i never saw wholly moses but i would bet serious cash that more people will say arthur is his best! in fact i will say that most people don't even know most of his movies, but almost everyone knows arthur!

Anonymous said...

I can personally relate to his role in Arthur. I mean not in the four foot millionaire playboy type of way, but in the top hat wearing affinity to hookers kind of way.

For the record, besides Foul Play I only know of two others...Arthur and Wholly Moses. Two absolute classics, with a slight edge to Arthur.

Anonymous said...

Im restraining myself from taking this topic off on a Christopher Cross tangent. Sailing...shoot me...Takes me away... kill me now...To where I've always heard it could be...please help...Just a dream and the wind to carry me...I cant control myself....And soon I will be free...just end my misery already

If you get caught between the moon....

Rhino-itall said...

slight edge? i don't think so. 10 was his only other movie that people know. arthur is a all time classic comedy in the same hemisphere as caddyshack and trading places! it's one of the few stupid comedies that you can watch a hundred times and not get tired of it. wholly moses? i did see it, but it was so forgettable that..... well.... i forgot it! One memorable scene in the whole movie...... " i give you the 15...(crash) the ten commandments"

that's it!

Rhino-itall said...

Thanks for reminding me donkey. arthur also had a great soundtrack..... oh shit, did i just out myself as a christopher cross lover? well at least no one knows of my secret passion for hall and oates!

Anonymous said...

Ive got two words in regards to Hall and Oates...


Mr Accountable said...

Well, 'Hue, I think you've hit my hand.

Albino assassins, Catholic conspiracists, etc...

I spent a couple of summers with the LaSallettes in Lebanon, New Hampshire and at their main place in Attleboro. They are a Montreal group. New England, as I am sure you might possibly know, is actually "Quebec South" in its true nature. Something about making up for the long trek south to New Orleans. Something about hockey and pouring maple syrup on everything.

So these LaSallettes lost everything to a confidence group in the early 70s, when they were building their new center in Attleboro. Which center constisted of a castle on the hill overlooking the parking lot and the new center. They have the Lights of LaSallette every winter. I worked to help them out a few times, directing traffic in the parking lot. There was always a line of cars on Rte 118 waiting to get in the vast parking lot, room for 10,000 cars. So many people.

They started having a September festival to raise money that they lost to the confidence group.

And all was well. The crew up there were young and hip, jetting off to North Bay and Key West whenever possible. I first learned about punk rock from them, when the first article appeared in Time magazine, in 1977. I was on a weekend at the house in Cambridge MA for First Night. I even won a Boomtown Rats album in a miniraffle. They have places all over New England; Worcester, Lewiston, many more. Great.

But tragedy has struck again, maybe 5 years ago. These nice people, with the personality of Credence Clearwater Revival, had their castle burn down, where I had spent so many nights at their vocation work program, which my parents had sent me to, to get me out of their hair, by a visiting priest, from the UK, who fell asleep with a lit cigarette. Even though he was the only one who perished, the castle was lost, built in the 1800s with that French architectural look, and cannot actually be rebuilt.

For someone used to New York and American Catholic culture, Quebecois culture is a revelation, kind of like seeing the vast space at the border with those lawn chairs in a row, when driving or taking the bus to Montreal on the New England side of the lake. Its just another world.


In closing, Montreal is the 3rd largest French speaking city in the world, after Paris and Kinshasa.


Lily said...

Did you raise us a Burgess Meredith?Damn you! DAMN YOU! Which movie had Goldie and Chevy and my favorite, Charles Grodin? Where they get back together?

I just watched History of the World again, while flipping through three simultaneous Da Vinci channels. There was a show on the Freemasons as well. I might have watched them all at the same time. I have trouble with commitment.

I thought Chris Cross will make you jump, jump?

And dammit Rhino if I have to trudge to your Island of Long one more time for some kid's First Communion... Do people have to cluster all their church functions in May and June? Plus its costing me a fortune in "please remember who I am" money.

Christian extortion.

Anonymous said...

And I will re-raise you and go all in with a Benson aka Robert Guillame.

Wasnt the housekeepers name Aurora?

Lily said...

No, Krause!

And she used to yell "I heeee-uh you" and everyone still laughed the hundredth time. Because it was a laugh track. But not me. I never laughed at Krause. They implied she got busy with Benson though.

Aurora was the Princess in Sleeping Beauty. Who, to my knowledge, never got busy with Benson. But she lived with the three lesbian fairies.

Anonymous said...

Aurora was the Mexican housekeeper with all the dogs from the Chase/Hawn flick you referenced.."Seems Like Old Times".

Truth be told thats how we came up with the name, it had nothing to do with Bache's newspaper. We strive to be the broken english educator of America who cleans up the mess the masses make.

Rhino-itall said...

Lily, let me know when you're out here and we can meet up for a drink, or coffee or something.

Donkey, you're right that was the maid, and that was a good movie, but wasn't wildcats goldie hawns best movie ever? I think they showed some nipple in that bathtub scene

Anonymous said...

As far as Wildcats is concerned...

It was two nips, and it was a jip
She shouldve shown flesh when she was younger and hotter, and when she finally flashed it was underwater thank god she has a whore for a daughter.

Needless to say back in the days of dinosaurs and VCRs that bath scene was on permapause many a night in the donkey domicile.

Lily said...

yes, you're right. I thought when you said Benson you meant the other housekeeper.

Wildcats? Goldie was such a dork! "This one's for the King, its better than a diamond ring...."

Goldie: "Uh, Football" WTF? Thats hot?

Rhino- Let me check my schedule for the next Suffolk jaunt. You missed Infant Jesus which would have fit as we have discussed "down Port". (But that would violate my rule never to associate with bloggers, as it invariably backfires, Especially bloggers who kinda hate I need pictures of me shitfaced posted at Aurora?Hell no.) The Suffolk people all seem to be into these big baptisms and communions. A cocktail hour for a communion? What happened to renting a firehouse or Elks lodge on Rt 112? Damn. I HATE Suffolk people. They take their kids way too seriously.

Mookie McFly said...
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Mookie McFly said...

I might get killed here but Kate Hudson is better looking than Goldy Maier. Smaller tats but I kind of like that sometimes...

Goldie's most famous movie would have to be Private Benjamin. Wasn't she sort of nakey in that one...or am I thinking of that Protocol movie w/the gay/biker/sushi bar know the one where she takes a bullet in the ass for the president?

Back on top Rhino did mention the 10-15 commandments...that was H.O.W. part one not deux. Wholly Moses had an all star cast and a Mel Brooksish feel...and most importantly it had John Ritter as the devil. He was pissed because God took credit for everything but he made trees and no one even knew it.

I'll stop here before I get compared to McTrixie...

Rhino-itall said...

lilly they must be italian! My brother in law is crazy like that. My neices christening was bigger than some weddings i've been to. I told my sister she's crazy and she said it was his idea. I believe her, these wops are wacked. Let me know when you're around, i'll make sure the pics are tasteful...... and naked.

fly, if that was HOW, then there was a grand total of zero quotable lines from wholly moses. again arthur is king of dudley movies.

Lily said...

Yes, wacked indeed. I'm sure glad somebody else sees the lunacy.

What next, damned ice sculptures of these babies in their freakish little white tuxedoes?

Shaking head. Just freakin shaking head.

Mr Accountable said...

Well, I am so sorry to be didactic-er than thou.

Next time you're in a serious bookstore, please leaf through a real Korean English dictionary. You'll find that that's where I copy my writing from.

Slightly dry, seemingly awkward, seemingly delicate, seemingly strained, like a technical textbook from the 1960s. I think their policy is "If the writer can get the headache that is intrinsic to the subject matter, then the reader will enjoy the book when he or she gets home from work."


My Christian upbringing was strictly Montessori. The first time I saw my father in a church was in 1982 at his father's funeral mass. And I went to Catholic school here in this city for one year of high school; all the teachers had French accents. For some reason my mom dragged us to mass every Sunday. If one didn't go to mass, one wouldn't be able to have a Dunkin' Donut afterward. I think the reason for this was that my father was an overpowering Rive Gauche Paris 1919 intellectual kind of guy. I have never really tried to figure this out.

Mr Accountable said...

I guess I should finish explaining this. If you have ever seen the movie "House of Games", set in New York, then you know my mom. In other words, how better to defeat a chaotic intellectual than by creating a martinet reality that is so freaking ridiculous, that its very fragility makes it a permanent topic of conversation, and at the same time distracts attention from the fact that my father never ever went to church, which fact made my mom slightly uncomfortable, actually.

The very concept of matching religion with manipulating 8 year olds with Dunkin' Donuts strawberry cream-filled donuts....awesome...a lesson is transmitted from generation to generation.....true Huguenot culture at its most hilarious....I wonder if William Kennedy or Ironweed grew up in a house like this....


If Huguenots have something to do with Calvinism , then is Calvin Chan a Huguenot??