Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mexico's Glass House

Another must read. HERE and HERE


Lynn@ZelleBlog said...

Thats a pdf- not a link.

Rhino-itall said...

sorry, try it again.

Lily said...

Yes, it worked this time and it was an interesting article repeating many of the "mexico sucks worse" banter I've been hearing all week on the conservative sites I read. Let's not forget the Guatemalans!

While that article had some intelligence to it, I laughed so hard at Coulter that I think I injured my mouth. Only Coultergeist could equate disgust with the hammer to terror-sympathy!

Play the "9-11" card much, bones?

Thank you Rhino for the humor!

Rhino-itall said...

i didn't link coulter, but she is great.

I don't think you understand the conservative's in this, we're not saying "mexico sucks worse" because that would mean we think our immigration policy is bad for the immigrants, we don't!

The point of linking to the article is to point out the hypocrisy of the mexican govt. I thought it would be obvious, but i forgot you're from the harry reid party, so you don't recognize it.

Lily said...

Lighten up, Rhino. No more pre-emptive crying today. I know you didn't link Coulter and I respect you for it.

Onto Mexico, I do get the point and I agree that Fox is a hypocrite on this and I agree when the Autora discussed this the other day.

To say that America treats immigrants better than mexico is objectionable to you because I used the word "worse' and yeah, that implies that I think our government treats Mexicans badly so I see your complaint there.
I don't think we suck on immigration. Thre are countries that NEVER give citizenship no matter what people do. There are countries that have no process ever, where people work and pay but never become citizens. I think we have a pretty lenient system right now.

I'm just not sure about the solutions to what is going on. We cannot deport 12 million people or put them in camps, is the thing.

I'm not a democrat, either.

Anonymous said...

I call for an official Auroran boycott of Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Yes we can deport 12 million illegal immingrants. Wont be easy and wont get all of them. A good start would be to allow law enforcement to ask one simple question.

"What is your citizenship status"?

Which in most cases they are not allowed to do. For one thing we'd start getting rid of the criminal element.

Krauthammer makes a good point that hed be willing to grant amnesty to all 12 million if we secure the border with walls, better surveillance, and troops to ensure that there is never a massive illegal wave of immigrants again. I would concur. But the bleeding has to stop first before we reward illegal activity

Lily said...

You righties and your boycotts... such pussilient activism. Aw! Freedom fries! how cute!

No more Taco Bell. Its Taco Hell.

Only an Auroran would call for a damned boycott of Mexico right before CINQO DE MAYO DAY!

No Corona two-fers for you I guess!!!!

Chew the limes then, tough guy.

Rhino-itall said...

yeah no more boycotts, lets all just sit around in a circle and cry about what we would do, and should do. then we can do a blog post about how we don't do anything, and then....... we could not do anything again!

Anonymous said...

Im sorry Lily I dont understand Mexican. Sinko what? Are you talking about kitchens again or something. As far as celebrating with a few colds ones this would be my choice

Lily said...

Rhino- I directly challenge you to tell me what exactly YOU are doing. Or was it hypothetical smugness?

I believe that what I am doing is constructive, but do not count "blogging" among those activities just as I do not count reading Cosmo, golf lessons, flossing, or watercolors as constructive activities.

I am currently working on a spending analysis project- very boring, ratios and cd's full of data which I sift through in between crying about Donkey. That is why I am always near a computer. I have downtime waiting for transfers.

Money is the apparatus of government- opinions don't solve problems.

Rhino-itall said...

wait, you don't count golf lessons or water colors? well then the only thing i'm doing is boycotting mexico.

Fuck cinco de mayo, mexico isn't independent anyway, they depend on us!

I'm boycotting everything mexico related, except for really hot mexican women, because it's not really their fault. and they dig me.

Lily said...

Gee Rhino do you also suggest that they too receive "wife training" so as to avoid being beaten by their men?

Please stay over here in your little corner, Rhino. Men that beat up on women are disgusting.

Mookie McFly said...

Obviously our government isn't and shouldn't be like Mexico...I didn't understand the second link either but that's irrelevant I guess? How come the black Mexicans don't leave like the rest of the Mexicans? I thought it was interesting that the Mexicans supposedly guard a long mountainous border but we can't guard our flat and long border. The solution is out there still as no one has really come up with a good one yet...Mexican women are beautiful but beware as they are also good cooks. Boycot their starchy food or you will end up looking like a jalapeno.

Foxtrot24 said...

I have to say, Rhino, that i enjoyed both of those articles very much. Elder was hilarious and his bitterness was palpable--we can get into why he's so angry, or rather, what he's angry about when i have the time. Though i didn't agree with most of what he said, he made some seriously good points. Mexicans are hypocrites, and you know why? Because they are racist fucks, and all of us Latin Americans are when it comes down to it, really. That's not what's at odds here. Of course it should affect the way our government handles illegals from Mexico, but mexicans are not the only immigrants in this nation. I am not a conservative, but i too refuse to just hand over citizenship to people just because they think it's theirs. What happened a few hundred years ago, however sad and unfair it may be, happened a few hundred years ago. That however, doesn't mean we should treat these people like scum either. And whether they turn their backs and do it to other people, really doesn't justify our actions as a leader, and as a developed nation in the free world. If we are going to claim ourselves as the saviors of the world, than we shouldn't pick and choose. Or else, we'd be just like them: hypocrites. As far as the little lady and her article, she's nothing more than a text-book case republican--she makes me laugh, really hard.

PS: 5 de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day... have a Corona, sit back, and wait for GW's IQ to rise.

Rhino-itall said...

zombie, i'm not advocating treating these people like scum, i just don't think we should allow them to break our laws with impunity, and then also grant them citizenship.
I bring up the mexican govt.s treatment of illegal aliens only because their president is making demands on our country, like the fact that he wants to have approval over any new laws.
Ann coulter is hilarious, and right.
larry elder is not angry
all latino's are not racist, just because you are doesn't mean you can speak for all of them.
5 de mayo may not be the official independence day, but were it not for the battle that it commemorates, the mexicans would still be a colony of the spanish or the french today.

Anonymous said...

Actually it was one of my ancestors that was instrumental in Mexico gaining its independance. So say thank you ya frickin beaners, and I want the Big Wheel back ya stole from me on Alameda Ave when I was 4.