The End Is Nigh
Could a billion Venti Double Espresso Chai Latte drinkers be wrong? Probaly, but the more pertinent question is... can they be stopped? The unholy alliance is now in place. If my seminary schooling serves me well here, I remember translating the Green Tea Scrolls to uncover the revelation that the stock of Starbucks breaking a 52 week high on the same day Hu Jintao (no relation) and Billy G meet in Washington (State) is one of the 7 Signs of the Tupacalypse. Now it is clear that total global domination is imminent. Repent now and forgo your Seattlistic ways. The missing link between Java Man and Peking Man has been forged!
And everyone thought it was just a joke when Dr. Evil's nefarious group told him they were the owners of Starbucks.... well no one is laughing now..... oh except for Dr. Evil of course
Someone told me the other day that Starbucks sells more copies of the New York Times (nationally) than any other retail outlet.
AND that since Starbucks is now in the music business (selling CD's), there are some music stores won't carry artists' whose CD's are being sold in Starbucks. Presumably to break Starbuck's hold on coffee drinkers' music of choice, "easy listening rock with a world flavor to it."
(oh yeah, Venti Decaf Lowfat Soy Latte, please)
i don't even like the coffee. But i do like those mocha frappucinos(sp)
Here come the Mets!!!
I'd like venti mocca but I'll have whatever Delgado is having!!!
I hate the Braves...and Starbucks.
are you guys able to discuss anything without having a mets component?
Hold your tongue woman.
Only if Lily says so.
Nice picture of Vermont. Or Lesotho. Same thing.
Ok, lingo gringos, a Hu Jin Tao visual pun.
A Breughels tapeststry with a cart of butternut squash rotting in the January sunshine while McTrixie makes a phone call standing near it at the shuttered vegetable stand a mile from his house in New England.
A withered skeleton in an ofuro (heated tub).
A blizzard and a lake.
A baby that needs to get to the squash courts.
Something to do with that CNN story about the two therapeutic women who wrapped that kid in a blanket so tightly that the kid passed on to the next life.
Discovering the origin of the Nile at Lake Victoria, instead of in the hills of Ethiopia, where 2/3 of the flood water comes from.
The cover of Paranoid by BSabbath.
The gigantic tile tapestries on the walls of sex segregated baths in Japan, segregated only after the arrival of the white man.
The Ancient Flesh is Platinum due to having taken a 1 hour bath.
Well, its getting too literal with the ideograms. I'll end up in the East Asian Department Doghouse if I continue like this.
Yet, there's a lot more due to the unbelievable amount of attention Ch, K, J, Th, Vn, Mm, Kh, Laos have been paying to the process there since a person started being groomed for the position 20 years ago.
I think its political cachet, is what it is.
By the way, I am smoking 2 x 6 oz of tobacco per month, 12.90 x 2 = 25.80 plus papers = ~ US$32. I don't know what half of that is, but if you want to have some of what I'm smoking.......
Please try to be careful with that, McTrixie is way beyond legalistically enabled due to an unfortunate experience with Medications that left him showing a Manhattan Velvet Underground psychiatrist the door, the door to the tunnels underneath Central Park. Please, take it easy.
Hit and Run
Rear End
and so forth.
From "The Yellow Pages" under "Ambulance Chasers".
I would really appreciate it.
And, for your information, concocting those puns is as easy as saying an A Frame house looks like the letter A.
Seriously. Why do you think the Asians think we're a joke? Cos we're intellectually challenged? Living in a straitjacket of 26 uppercase and 26 lower case?
I will have to resuscitate my feminist manifesto "The 26 Letters Their Men Let Them Read: Letters From the Asian Punk Rock and Hip Hop Scene".
Who are you, anyway? And please don't say "ABC No Rio".
the asians think we're a joke? which ones? is that what they're saying when i pick up my pork fried rice?
Oh, man, sure. Like thanks for life itself, if life = money.
anita's confused again ...
Dearest Anita,
Lily is going to hang with Glenda and not be so inclined to always come play at the men's club always on their turf and agenda.
Good riddance they'll say.
We had a great conversation about a Cheney crotch picture today that you would have appreciated, Anita. Every now and then you have to hang with the ladies.
Let them have their Mets. Who cares? Men are best when they are occupied, I think. I always encourage sports as much as possible. Season tickets- even better. Encourage at least one major sport fixation per season.
... and again.
Ive always wanted a chance to say good riddance, but I got over it.
Aim high, Donkey.
Anita are you saying that I confused you now?
I'm always confused, particularly here at the Aurora, so don't mind me.
and yeah, I guess theoretically I should hang out with 'the ladies' more -- i'll definitely stop by ... but for me, having grown up with five sisters, I've done my share of 'hangin' with the ladies' ... so, sometimes, 'hangin' with the boyz' can be amusing. i just haven't figured out that 'dozens' thing ... what the hell IS that?
anita, the "dozens" is newer school, and inner city (black) terminology for "rank out" or whacking. Basically it's just insulting each other for fun. Unfortunately some people get real, and then it gets heated. But it's still fun.
ahh, i see. thank you.
The Rhinoculous Guide To The Urban Galaxy....
yes, anita. I can wholeheartedly appreciate your fascination with these freakish Aurorans.
I am here though waiting (when the bitch slapping calms down) for the promised Mascot of The Week, the promised bald Agassi. Also acceptable would be the singer from Bush. Vigo. And again I say Ralph Fiennes who wears khaki pants like nobody's business. Even inked and bad ass in Silence of The Lambs, I was diggin it. Hell, that was even better.
Lily i thought you were leaving?
It's alright if you love me,
It's alright if you don't
I'm not afraid of you runnin' away honey,
I've got this feeling you won't
ooooh yes. thank you for reminding me! i was actually thinking about that yesterday ... i was considering reposting that pic of jack white, of the white stripes ... ralph is ok, he's a little too refined for my taste, and agassi has that steffi graff thing going on, which is annoying, but i'll look into it. check back later lilyness.
Ive tried that already. Thats why I flunked out of sniper school.
McTrixie said...
Oh, man, sure. Like thanks for life itself, if life = money.
Yes, Miller High Life costs money but why was that pertinent.
Bob Pollard tonight at Irving Plaza?
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