Vivre Le Pomme
Is France on the verge of losing another battle this time vs Apple? Will new French President Steve Jobs use nukes on Redmond Wash?
(Oh Yeah the iPod is the devil. I use and recommend MiniDisc so you can digitally bootleg live shows on the fly)
bite apple for story
i used to have a mini disc player. then again, i used to have cassettes too.
did you ever have 8-tracks? how about vinyl (warning: this questions will reveal your age).
Ok, i did have vinyl, and my younger brother had 8 tracks, but let me clarify for you. In highschool he bought this old ass lincoln town car, it was HUGE, the back seat could sit about 6people, and it had a in dash 8 track player, so we went out and found a bunch of old 8 track tapes just for the car.
Oh and i'm old anyway, but as i said to lily, i'm very immature.
yes, youth is a state of mind, i think my mind is about 14.
I won't comment on the grounds that I am a feminazi piece of shit. BUT, I like looking at David Gregory whenever I get the chance (below) because he does something for me. I might get tivo just for the press corps...damn I don't know why I love this man. Maybe just to fill the void that was Ari Fleischer...
Not only do I still have vinyl and cassette, I have a dual cassette deck cuz Im a big shot.
David Gregory huh? I thought I was out of the game with the bald thing...did I mention that Im as gray as Phil
david gregory? he's a jerkoff!
I don't mind you cheating on me with Benjamin, but david gregory is unacceptable!
I just got a Hi-MD player and it makes Ipods look like the piece of shit that they are...Ipods are hard drives. You cannot record live and there isn't an infinite amount of space. Plus they tend to slow down Windows computers although Apple touts them as being cross compatible. You need 2.0 USB ports and although I have them a lot of people do not...If you look at Japanese kids as the true tech saavy consumers, you would see that they prefer the Mini Disc over Ipod. They are simply superior.
Im not Japanese or very tech savvy but I am a big Vapors fan
No sex, no drugs, no wine, no women
No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it’s dark
Everyone around me is a total stranger
Everyone avoids me like a psyched lone-ranger everyone
That’s why I’m turning japanese
I think I’m turning japanese
I really think so
Well as Donkey probably knows, I have a mac laptop. Surely he has a tracker.
What is wrong with David Gregory? I can think Ari Flesicher is hot because he was a repube lap dog- but you take issue with David Gregory? Aren't you biased.
I heard Shakira is a pinko boot wearing feminist.
My point was to say that they have many options and extra gadgets now, to do different things. I'm REALLY tired today.
umm david gregory is a jerkoff, and he suffers from chronic pussillience!
Ari Fleischer is not only bald, but he has balls! You didn't see gregory ever fucking with Ari did you? Ari would have kicked his pink shirt/green tie wearing ass right there in front of the cameras! It's bad enough he got bitched up with Scott McClellan!
I liked the way Ari did his job I just wish he did it for somebody else. Wish he could be persuaded away from the dark side. What the hell is he doing anyway? I got halfa mind to google his hot ass today while I am sick.
I think Karen Hughes was prime bitch as well... but her gains were our losses.
Gregory is just good looking to me. Thats it. Santorum is not bad looking either up close but it doesn't change my feelings about him. We don't elect handsome. Look what happened to Hackett. shirt green tie? I missed that. Not together!! Shudder! What is he, freakin magically delicious?????
Exactly! he looked like an easter egg or something!
But anyway, i can't seperate the physical from the rest. If a chick is hot but weak or stupid i'm not into it. I mean if she's really hot i'll still hit it, but then i won't call her ever again.
conversely, if a chick is ok, but she's got the right attitude, or if she's smart and can challenge me, then she can be hot.
Such class. Such class. The right attitude would be a woman that kicks your rhinoeffin ass.
oh yeah baby, that's the way i like it. if you weren't sick i would take you out tonight. Don't worry, you'll probably get another chance..... probably.
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